Chapter 1930-The ruthless person

persuade Chen, but he was interrupted by the gentle words of the old man."mm-hmm." Chen Chen nodded, did not even look at him, went straight upstairs, but also told the entourage, "inform the teacher..."I said no."

"come on, facts are facts, and it's no use if you don't admit it."

Leng Di Feng didn't give Hua Xiaofu a chance to speak at all and came to the conclusion directly, "Don't touch you tonight, just sleep in peace."


Hua Xiaofu is speechless. This guy is really narcissistic.

Leng Difeng stood up and leaned over again.

"what do you want now"

Hua Xiaofu suddenly became nervous.

Leng Di Feng said nothing, but covered her with a quilt, plucked her hair from her forehead, then sat on the recliner, held her chin in one hand, and looked at her gently: "go to sleep!"

"Don't you want to go"

Hua Xiaofu was inexplicably nervous.

"I'm here with you." Leng Difeng leaned lazily on the couch, put his feet up on the hospital bed, and gently patted her on the shoulder with one foot, "go to sleep!"

"what are you doing"

Hua Xiaofu tilted his head and looked at his big feet in astonishment.

although it is tasteless and good-looking, how can anyone pat people on the shoulder with their feet

"put you to bed." Leng Difeng replied solemnly, "Pat you and you will fall asleep."

"with feet" Hua Xiaofu looked at him in astonishment.

Leng Di Feng did not answer her words, but just closed her eyes and began to rest.

Hua Xiaofu is speechless, this guy, the brain circuit is really very novel, all the behavior is different from the normal person.

but she is too lazy to bother. Now she is very tired and wants to have a rest.

there was a cooing cry from her stomach. She gently touched her stomach with her hand, thinking about Aunt Nora's porridge and looking at the wall clock on the wall. It was still eight hours before Aunt Nora came.

Hua Xiaofu sighed slightly and looked at the man falling asleep on the sofa with mixed feelings.

when he forced her to swear on the mountain, she really gritted her teeth and wanted to strangle him.

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but later in the hospital, she heard Leng Xiao talking to him. He was so busy that he dropped everything and stayed here with her and invited Helen from the country.

after finishing his work, he came back to take care of her. Although he couldn't do anything well, his diligence and earnestness showed his nervousness and care.

it's fake to say that you don't feel anything at all.

and she found that she really didn't seem to reject his closeness.

he hugged her and kissed her. She didn't find it annoying at all, just nervous, shy and uneasy.

she has never been in love, and I don't know if she likes it.

but now she doesn't seem to be in such a hurry to leave as before.

thinking like this, Hua Xiaofu was suddenly surprised, no, she is doomed to go, can not be stupid!

she has to be crisp, and the colder she is, the better, otherwise she will be really entangled in the future.

Hua Xiaofu was still thinking wildly, but Leng Difeng's feet stopped moving. She turned around and looked at him and found that he was asleep.

just lean on the couch and fall asleep quietly.

even if it is so casual, it is still so handsome, just like the person coming out of the oil painting!

Hua Xiaofu looked at him quietly, and some fragments of memory appeared in his mind again.

it's the same pictures of girls and teenagers running hand in hand in the mountains, laughing so happily and smelling sweet in the air.

I don't know if it was because of a heavy blow to the brain. She seems to have remembered something. She is absolutely sure that she did have a wonderful first love with Leng Di Feng.

Seven years later, she doesn't remember much, but he has never forgotten his promise and has been looking for her. She seems to be more like a ruthless person than br.

the mood of Hua Xiaofu is a little mixed when he thinks of this.ed Ye Hui to check. The crime scene is on the third Ring Road, two kilometers near Ling's home, where there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and it is impossible not to find them.the Ling family d...