Chapter 180 Reviews For 180

, gently patted her on the shoulder, "after the injection, your illness will be better, be brave!""Hmm!" Feng Qianxue nodded tearfully and bit her lower lip so as not to let herself cry."you see, grea..."Let me see..." Night Thunder bent down to check the leg injury of Feng Qianxue, "bleeding"

"it hurts."

Feng Qianxue immediately turned to look at his waist, but saw his naked body, scared to cover his eyes and screamed, "you, why don't you put on your clothes"

"nonsense, who wears clothes in the shower" I drink cold at night.

"hooligans." Feng Qianxue closed her eyes tightly and dared not open them at all. "you, please put on your bathrobe."

"it doesn't hurt anymore"

Night Thunder raised his eyebrow with a smile and dared to play tricks with him.

Don't you just want to see the tattoo on his lower back when you play so many tricks

now show her, she dare not open her eyes.


Feng Qianxue blushed with shame, stood up and ran out in a panic.

looking at her embarrassed appearance, the corners of her lips raised a smug arc, and she fought with him, she was still a little young.

Feng Qianxue ran back to his room, leaned against the door and gasped for breath.

before he soaked in the pool, she stood three meters away, could not see his body clearly, although nervous, but still able to communicate normally.

but he stood behind her naked. She crouched on the ground and looked back and saw.

the behemoth almost hit her face.

the wind and snow is really scared to death.

No, please don't go in and verify it next time while he is in the shower. It's terrible.

Night Zhenting came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, leaned against the sofa and drank, looking at the wall on the left, thinking about the shy appearance of the wind and snow just now.

that stupid woman is really tempting to be shy.

remembering her warm appearance on the bus last time, he still wants to taste her beauty again.

however, she is now suspicious of his identity. I'm afraid he'll give himself away if he goes to see her again.

forget it.

put up with it.

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after drinking half a bottle of whisky in one breath, he was still sleepy, so he lifted his hair that was still dripping, got up and went to the balcony to watch the night view.

the starry sky is bright tonight, reflecting with the lights of the distant city, as if competing for glory.

the night breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Mama Zhu, are you here" That's good, that's good. "

the sound of the wind and snow came, and the night thunderbolt turned to see that the woman, wearing a short-sleeved long T-shirt, walked barelegged to the balcony to talk on the phone.

the night wind stirs her hair, simple and pure, but with an incredible beauty.

"Chen Chen and …"

Feng Qianxue's words paused on one side. She was afraid that the servant outside the door would hear her, so she went to the balcony to talk on the phone. How could she still meet the night thrill on the balcony

he was drinking on the balcony next door with his towel wrapped in his towel and his upper body naked.

the two men were four or five meters apart, and each could see each other clearly, and Feng Qianxue also saw a blue tattoo on his waist at that moment.

but before he could see the pattern clearly, he turned away.

back against the balcony guardrail, a leisurely look, so calm and leisurely, as if without any guilt.

Feng Qianxue leaned over the balcony guardrail while talking on the phone, craning his neck to take a peek, but he couldn't see his back.

she was so anxious that she scratched her heart and wanted to rush over and take a good look at him.

"Mommy, Mommy."

on the other end of the phone, Chen Chen, dragon and moon are twittering with wind and snow.

"wait a minute."

Feng Qianxue walked into the room with a mobile phone.

Night shock Ting breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost tattooed by that woman just now. Fortunately, he was alert and turned around in time.

but who is she calling her voice is so soft and ambiguous.

when I was talking just now, it seemed that there was a man's name "Chen Chen".

who is thatthing!"Leng Qianxue took a deep look at the night thunderstorm, and he seemed to be unable to say these words in his seems that over the past two years, he has indeed changed a lot."Momm...