Chapter 1906 finally escaped

." Louis was very moved."I don't know if you like it." Leng Qianxue handed him the chopsticks and poured him a cup of Sydney soup. "I cooked a lot and packed it in a thermos. If you want to drink it a..."what's wrong" Hua Xiaofu responded hurriedly.

"No, it's nothing." A tree said carefully, "just to ask you if there is anything wrong."

"it's all right. I'm doing a checkup. There's a little problem. It may take some time. Don't rush it." Hua Xiaofu deliberately found an excuse to procrastinate.

"Yes." Ah Shu didn't think much about it.

"it's not convenient for men to enter here, so you go out first." Hua Xiaofu ordered.


A Shu hurriedly left.

Hua Xiaofu immediately turned out from the window. This is the seventh floor. She climbed down the pipe.

A Shu took a few steps and suddenly felt that something was wrong again.

just now there was only the voice of Hua Xiaofu in the room, but there was no voice of nurses or doctors.

although they keep a low profile, these doctors still know that their visitors are not good, they are respectful and careful everywhere, and they have to answer ten questions.

now he comes to inquire about the situation, but the doctors and nurses are silent. This is not right!

thinking of this, A Shu turned back and knocked on the door again: "Miss Bao!"

sure enough, there was no response in the room.

"Miss Bao, Miss Bao."

he shouted two more times, but there was no response.

A Shu is anxious, clutching the doorknob and wants to go in and check, but thinks that there is a girl check inside, in case something happens, he is offending the future hostess.

so the hand holding the doorknob froze again.

hesitated for a moment, he rushed into the vacant room next to him, opened the window and looked at the situation there, just in time to see Hua Xiaofu climbing down the pipe.

he opened his eyes wide in amazement and was about to call her when Hua Xiaofu suddenly looked back and the two looked at each other and stood deadlocked for a few seconds.

Hua Xiaofu made a "shush" sign to him, then quickly stopped a car and sped away.

A Shu was stupefied in the same place. It took him a while to recover, and he was very flustered.

his mission is to owe allegiance to Leng Di Feng, but at this moment, he instinctively chose to defend Hua Xiaofu and betray Leng Di Feng.

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he doesn't understand why Hua Xiaofu ran away, but he knows that she must have her own reasons.

whatever the reason, he wants to help her.

but for his master, he felt a strong sense of guilt and panic.

"what are you doing here, Shu"

at this moment, the voice of Ah Wei came from behind.

A Shu panicked for a moment, but soon calmed down and looked back calmly: "I want to see if there is anything wrong with the examination room next door."

"did you knock just now" Is there any response from there " Asked Awei.

"knock." Ah Shu replied honestly, "Miss Bao replied that she was still checking and needed some time. Let's not rush it. She also said that men can't come in here. Let me go away."

"Oh." When Awei heard him say this, he breathed a sigh of relief. "it's all right."

"I'm not sure, so I came here to take a look at the situation, and I didn't find anything."

A Shu closed the window and glanced at the road. The taxi was already far away.

"well, let's hurry out. My husband will be here in a minute." Ah Wei reminds me.

"mm-hmm." Ah Shu followed him away.

by this time, Hua Xiaofu's taxi had already left the street near the hospital and went directly to the airport.

just then, a luxury convoy was coming from the side road, and she recognized it as Leng Difeng at a glance.

she panicked and threw herself on the seat for fear of being discovered by Leng Di Feng.

the taxi went wrong with the luxury motorcade, and the two sides passed by.

Hua Xiaofu's heart beat so hard that she didn't sit up until the taxi drove a long distance. She looked at the distant luxury motorcade from the rearview mirror and was relieved.

finally, escaped!


Silver Rolls-Royce.

Leng Xiao is calling Ah Wei: "there may be a secret attack. You should be on high alert and try your best to protect Miss Bao. Don't neglect it!"

"Yes!"lified to negotiate terms with him, and the Hejia family is obviously not qualified.""you mean.""I think of someone, but I'm not sure." Leng Di Feng said faintly, "but now there is no need to be sure...