Chapter 1895-Rescue troops are here

what do you say I should pay for it""first of all, I want to make sure my brother is okay." Chen Chen glared at him angrily, "only when my brother is safe, will you have a chance to talk to me about..."Let me go, let me go." Hua Xiaofu struggled angrily, "Leng Difeng, this is kidnapping, house arrest, this is against the law."

Leng Di Feng ignored her at all, pressed her directly on the seat and ordered his men to drive.

the bodyguard drove away at a gallop.

by the side of the road, everyone watching this scene was dumbfounded.

Eva opened her eyes wide in amazement and said miraculously, "she said that her husband forced her to get married. I thought she deliberately provoked me, but it was true!"

", interesting!"

Huangxiao Flag looked meaningfully at the distant motorcade, with an evil sneer on his lips.

"where on earth did this girl come from"

Leng Dongcheng said thoughtfully, and then came back to himself, "come on, Eva, go home."

"Oh." Eva was about to follow Lengdongcheng to get on the bus when he Zijun suddenly stopped her and smiled and said, "Eva, long time no see, shall we have a drink"

Eva was very surprised. He Zijun never looked at her, but now he took the initiative to be nice to her.

"go ahead. Go ahead." Leng Dongcheng hurriedly smiled and said, "you are all young girls, so you should have more exchanges."

then she gave Eva a gentle push.

"Uncle, I'll go."

Eva knows what he means. As Hua Xiaofu said, both sides of Leng Dongcheng are waiting and watching, and they will go to whichever side can get long-term benefits.

he Zijun invited Eva to get in his car. Leng Dongcheng said hello to Huang Shaoqi and left in a hurry.

Huang Shao got into the car and ordered his entourage: "go and check the origin of that girl. Check it out carefully."



on the way back, Hua Xiaofu tried to escape, but he couldn't beat Leng Di Feng at all.

when he hugged her directly in his arms, she could not move and could only stare at him angrily.

"it's no use staring at me. You can't get away." Leng Difeng pinched her chin and asked inexplicably, "am I not good to you" Why can't you just stay with me "

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"I don't want to, I don't want to." Hua Xiaofu was very angry and said, "Let me go."

"stop it, be a good boy." Leng Di Feng rubbed her hair and gently coaxed her, "I can give you whatever you want."

"I want to be free!"

"you have freedom to get married. After marriage, you can go wherever you want to play."


Hua Xiaofu is speechless. She feels that Leng Difeng is not on the same channel with her at all. She wants to escape, but he still wants to tie her up with marriage.

she couldn't reason with him, so she had to find a way to escape.

however, after what happened tonight, I'm afraid Leng Di Feng will keep an eye on her more closely, and it will be even more difficult for her to escape.

was thinking when the attendant of the car suddenly reported, "Sir, there is a convoy heading for our castle."

"Hmm" Leng Di Feng picked the eyebrow, "who is it"

"Let me see." Leng Xiao looked through the window and quickly concluded, "it's Prince William's motorcade."

hearing this, Hua Xiaofu seemed to see a beam of light. William came and she was saved. Maybe he could help her get out of this hellhole.

two convoys stopped at the castle gate.

when he got out of the car, Hua Xiaofu saw Prince William, whom he had not seen for a long time, and his housekeeper, Robin.

when the old acquaintances met and looked at each other subconsciously, Hua Xiaofu hurriedly winked at them and motioned to them not to reveal their identity.

Prince William seems to have known for a long time that he quickly turned away and greeted Leng Di Feng: "come uninvited. I hope I didn't disturb you."

"No." Leng Difeng raised his lips slightly. "the climate of Xuecheng is cold. You should have told me earlier so that I could send someone to pick you up."

"Oh, don't bother so much." Prince William smiled. "but your castle is so big. If I hadn't happened to meet you, my driver would have fainted."whole life in prison. What's the point""Tianya...""shut up!" Duan Tianya interrupted Leng Qianxue's words, narrowed his eyes and looked at her infatuated. "in fact, I am very satisfied now. If I have...