Chapter 1889-Escape

n driving."I'm exhausted." Feng Qianxue fanned the wind with her hands and tried to unscrew the bottle cap to drink water, but because she was too tired, her hands were soft and could not be screwed."...this idea flashed through my mind, and Hua Xiaofu shuddered. She hurriedly reminded herself that she could not make such a mistake.

she has a mission and belief in the world, she doesn't want to get married, she doesn't want to have children, she doesn't want to be bound by anyone.

doesn't want to be locked up in a castle. It's like a luxurious cage.

so, she can't be attracted to the Lengdi wind, she has to leave as soon as possible.

when he thought of this, Hua Xiaofu took a deep breath and repeatedly reminded himself in his heart that he should seize every opportunity to escape and never get into it again.

when Hua Xiaofu got up, Leng Difeng had already gone out to the company.

after she washed and had breakfast, a doctor came to examine her wound and change her dressing.

after several days of rest and recuperation, her wound has almost healed, and the doctor marveled that her healing ability is very strong.

Hua Xiaofu also felt that his wound healed quickly, but the metal piece of iron in the back of his brain had not been removed, which was always a hidden danger.

"Miss Bao, is there anything else you don't feel well Sir asked us to take you for a full set of examinations. If you have any other questions, you can deal with them together. "

Dr. Karen asked respectfully.

"No." Hua Xiaofu immediately said, "I'm fine. I don't need to check."

"however, although your wound is healing, your face is not very good. I'm afraid you have other hidden diseases. It's best to have a comprehensive examination and receive treatment as soon as possible."

"if I say no, I don't need it." Hua Xiaofu interrupted the doctor directly, "my own body, I know."

"all right." Dr. Karen bowed his head and retreated.

Hua Xiaofu is a little unhappy. Does Leng Difeng already doubt her identity Send a doctor to test her on purpose

was thinking, Nora came in and said with a smile, "Miss Bao, Mr. Bao will take you to the circus today. Get ready and leave in an hour."

"Circus" Hua Xiaofu was suddenly in high spirits. "where are you going to see it"

"Syracuse Theatre." Nora smiled and said, "all the big shows here are held there."... "

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"is the Grand Theater in the city center" Hua Xiaofu asked.

"in the south, near the airport."

Nora introduced the beauty of the circus as she spoke.

Hua Xiaofu didn't hear a word, and his mind was planning to escape.

the Grand Theater is full of people with mixed eyes, has animals to summon, and is near the airport, which is a good opportunity for her.

she must not miss it.

"Miss Bao, Miss Bao."

Nora's call interrupted Hua Xiaofu's thoughts. She came to her senses and replied, "Hmm"

"I'll have someone freshen up for you first." Nora said with concern.

"you don't have to freshen up. You don't have to go to the circus, not to a banquet." Hua Xiaofu waved and said, "I'll just clean up by myself. Go out, prepare some snacks for me and take them to the car to eat."

"all right." Nora hurried to get ready.

everyone retired. Hua Xiaofu locked the door and wanted to change into a set of light clothes, only to find that the cloakroom was full of gorgeous skirts, and even home clothes were comfortable dresses.

she chose a long white dress, put on a white coat and boots, and carried her backpack.

with her papers and jewelry given to her by Leng Difeng in her backpack, she decided to abscond with her property tonight and must succeed.

downstairs, Nora has prepared a snack for someone to take to the car to eat.

when Hua Xiaofu got on the bus, he began to use his mobile phone to navigate and search the route near the Grand Theater, which door would be more convenient to escape, and which route to take to the airport after escape.

she knew all this and waited for action.

the car quickly left the castle and went straight to the Grand Theater.

there are only Ah Shu and Ah Wei in this car, but there is an escort in front and rear. I'm afraid it's not easy to escape on the road.

even if she ran away, they would chase her quickly, so it was difficult for her to leave Syracuse, so she had to go to the Grand Theater to figure it out.signer is so crappy. There is a big piece missing before and after."Nakamori giggled and held back immediately.the old man of the night also raised the corners of his lips, but managed his expression...