Chapter 1882-I also want to meet

cannot be separated.Wind Qianxue blurred eyes staring at the night thunder, his angry ferocious appearance, soon replaced by lust, obsessively enjoying her beautiful body.she hates him, and this morbi..."Sir!"

A group of people in suits greeted Leng Di Feng respectfully.

Hua Xiaofu originally didn't understand the language, but recently he lived in the castle for a few days and slowly learned something.

when she heard Leng Difeng's brief conversation with them, she knew that they were all the second leaders of the three families: Huang, Yan and he.

their attitude towards Leng Di Feng is so respectful that there is hardly any problem.

but this kind of family dispute is the most complicated. Hua Xiaofu doesn't understand it and doesn't bother to think about it.

it's just that Hua Xiaofu noticed that the people glanced at her from time to time, as if to inquire about her origin.

Leng Di Feng did not introduce her to them, and they did not dare to ask more questions, so the party came to the main hall while talking.

the hall is resplendent, the gorgeous crystal chandelier shines brightly, the romantic melodious music echoes in the hall, and the well-dressed aristocrats raise their glasses to talk.

is really a bustling scene.

however, when the golden gate opened and Leng Di Feng led Hua Xiaofu into the hall, everyone looked back and bowed their heads to salute.

at the same time, two middle-aged men came over with their families and warmly greeted Leng Di Feng.

Hua Xiaofu doesn't seem to understand it, but he also knows that this is the master of Yan and he.

their attitude towards Leng Di Feng is less humble, but it is also kind and warm, just like the elders looking at the promising younger generation and taking the initiative to ask about the identity of Hua Xiaofu.

Leng Di Feng grabbed Hua Xiaofu by the shoulder and directly introduced: "my fiancee, Baoer!"


Yan and he were both shocked and embarrassed. For a moment, their expressions were as varied as drama.

"Ha, Yan and he are still trying to choose a concubine for you. I didn't expect you already have a fiancee."

A casual voice came. Hua Xiaofu looked up and saw that he was a tall, handsome, mature man.

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in his thirties and forties, his eyes are sunken, his facial features are distinct, and there is an aggressiveness between his eyebrows and eyes, but he always wears a hypocritical smile.

at the moment, he is looking at Hua Xiaofu with a big smile.

Hua Xiaofu is not afraid of him. He meets his eyes directly, raises his eyebrows, and looks like what you want to do.

after all, she is used to all kinds of man-eating beasts and has no fear of human beings.

even Leng Di Feng, she is not afraid, will she be afraid of him

"was about to announce that you were in too much of a hurry."

when Leng Di Feng spoke, he held Hua Xiaofu in his arms and stared at the man with a cold stare, "Huang Shaoqi!"

"Di Feng, where did you find your little girlfriend" Huang Shaoqi looked away and asked with a smile, "it's cute!"

Leng Di Feng frowned.

Yan Wanli immediately made a round circle: "Shaoqi, Di Feng doesn't like to joke, you are the eldest brother, stop it."

"Yes, yes." He Zhiming agreed, "since Emperor Feng already has a fiancee, then we …"... "

"Boss he, you have brought all your own daughters, so you should meet them anyway." Huang Shaoqi said with a smile, "and Boss Yan, although he does not have a daughter, he also lets his own niece run for election. How can such a gorgeous concubine night be temporarily cancelled"

"Huang Shaoqi!!"

Leng Difeng has lost patience and is ready to lose his temper.

"Emperor Feng, everyone has prepared it carefully for you. You can't let other girls go now, can you" Just meet me. I don't think this future brother and sister-in-law will mind, right "

Huang Shaoqi's tone is very soft and easygoing, as if coaxing Leng Di Feng. There is no reason why

makes people angry.

Leng Difeng was about to open his mouth when Hua Xiaofu suddenly said, "OK, I'd like to meet you, too!"

everyone looked at her. This little girl was small, but her eyes were very clever. Moreover, she had an aura of calm in the face of and sent him there.""so, who saved him" Indifferent and puzzled, "what happened at night in the south of the mountain, the person who took him should be a gangster, enter is a gangster, then...