Chapter 1865-Anti-routine

owned, feeling very depressed, "I don't know if the previous test report is true in the end." . Seven"you mean the poisoning" On hearing this, the entourage nodded hurriedly. "I feel uneasy too. The l...soon, the car arrived at the busiest bar in Syracuse.

the bar owner, with several younger brothers, greeted him at the door in a respectful and earnest manner.

Eva got out of the car, revealing her unparalleled arrogance!

it seems that she has set foot here, which is a great gift.

Seven bodyguards came out of the car behind, plus two bodyguards in the main car, a total of nine bodyguards, supporting Eva and Hua Xiaofu into the bar.

here is bustling and noisy, the gorgeous lights are so bright that people can hardly keep their eyes open, and the deafening heavy metal music beats on the heart.

in the middle of the dance floor and on the hanging stage, there are all kinds of sexy and hot beauties dancing, and many young men and women follow the wriggling posture, excited and wild.

most of the people here are tall Europeans and Americans. Hua Xiaofu's petite and exquisite stature seems a little out of place.

"Hi, little one!"

A drunken man whistled to Chinese Buddha.

Hua Xiaofu glanced at him, ignored him, followed Eva to the middle booth and sat down, enjoying the lost paradise.

the bar owner sent a lot of treasured good wine to curry favor with Eva.

Eva talked with him for a few words, then asked him to retire, and then brought a glass of beautiful red spirits to Hua Xiaofu: "Taste, this glass of wine is called scorching lips."

"is it good" Hua Xiaofu took a sip, felt OK, and drank it directly. "mm-hmm!"

"it's a good drink."

Eva smiled and brought her another blue cocktail. "it's called..."

"whatever it's called, just drink it." Hua Xiaofu took the drink and touched her. "Cheers!"


Eva watched Hua Xiaofu drink a glass of wine, could not help a burst of delight, and then finished the glass of wine.

"this one is a little bitter." Hua Xiaofu ate a piece of fruit, took the initiative to bring two glasses of red wine, handed one to Eva, "it's still good to drink red."

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Eva froze. She was trying to get the Buddha drunk on purpose in order to find out her details. Why is this girl still giving priority to guests

who irrigates who

"what" Hua Xiaofu said with a smile, "here are all your people. I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of"

"I have nothing to be afraid of."

Eva took the wine and drank it directly.

Hua Xiaofu also drank up the wine in the glass.

the two then killed a few more drinks. Eva was already a little drunk, but she didn't forget to find out the details of the Buddha, and leaned over and asked, "say, who sent you"

"are you from Lengdongcheng" Hua Xiaofu asked her, "Let you find out about me, and then drive me away, so that you can get close to Leng Di Feng and become his woman"

"er." Eva was fooled by her again. "I'm asking, I'm asking you."

"I don't think you're bad. You'd better go back and be a good model." Hua Xiaofu poured her half a glass of wine. "the cold emperor wind is cold-blooded and abnormal, and he may have strange hobbies that are difficult to serve."... "

"shut up and don't speak ill of my cousin." Eva was a little angry. "my cousin is the best man in the world, the best."

Hua Xiaofu rolled his eyes and ignored her. He glanced at the nine bodyguards nearby, thinking about how to keep them away.

"tell me honestly, who sent you to seduce your cousin" Eva, drunk, leaned over and asked, "which one of the three families" Or Ye Shi "

"well, I was sent by Yue Shi."

Hua Xiaofu deliberately teased her, but she didn't believe Lengdongcheng dared to deal with Night. Does he have this ability

"." Eva looked astonished. "Night, sent by the King of Night"

"Yes, that's him." Hua Xiaofu continued to drink to her, "come on, keep drinking."

Eva spit it out as soon as she took a sip, all on the body of the little Buddha.r freedom, freedom and ease.she lives the life of his dream, she does what he wants to do but can't do, she has countless luminous spots.he thinks that there are not many people in this world who can...