Chapter 1860-Pleasure

her head and drank angrily at Lengdi Feng: "son of a bitch, open it for me."Leng Di Feng ignored her and went on drinking tea, as if he didn't hear her voice at all."Cold Emperor Wind." Hua Xiaofu po..."what should I call it"

Leng Dongcheng asked Hua Xiaofu easily.


"just call her Miss Bao." Leng Difeng said, "when she is well, I will prepare for the wedding and inform you at that time."


Hua Xiaofu was stunned. What Is there going to be a wedding

even if they were predestined when they were young, things have changed now. Only a few days after they got to know each other again, he is going to marry her.

what is this guy's brain made of

"this is a happy event." Leng Dongcheng smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

"Eva, congratulations, sir"

"Uh..." Eva was stunned for a moment, raised a stiff smile and said, "Congratulations, sir!"

"Thank you" Leng Difeng responded faintly, "Let's eat."

several people chatted while having dinner, and Leng Dongcheng kindly asked, "Miss Bao is a Chinese, isn't she"

"well, yes."

Hua Xiaofu is cutting steak. She doesn't like the occasion at all and just wants to finish early.

"what do parents do" Leng Dongcheng asked again.

Hua Xiaofu did not answer his words, but said to Leng Di Feng, "I'm done eating. Enjoy your meal."

and she got up and left.

Leng Di Feng made a gesture, and Nora hurriedly came forward to support Hua Xiaofu.

"Sir." Eva raised her glass to propose a toast to Leng Di Feng. She accidentally knocked down her glass and spilled red wine on her body. She exclaimed and hurriedly stood up.

"Why are you so careless" Leng Dongcheng frowned and reproached.

"go up and deal with it."

Leng Xiao asked a maid to take her upstairs.

"Miss Bao!" Eva quickly caught up with Hua Xiaofu on the spiral stairs and said to her in English, "I was rude in the garden just now. I'm sorry!"

"it doesn't matter." Hua Xiaofu responded casually.

"my skirt is dirty. Could you go to your room and take care of it"

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Eva smiles all over her face and clearly intends to hook up with Hua Xiao Buddha.

"there are so many guest rooms, why go to my room"

Hua Xiaofu always speaks bluntly.

"er." Eva was speechless by a word she said.

"Miss Eva, I'll have someone show you to the guest room."

Nora hastens to round the ball.

Thank you.

Eva responded with a smile, and then said to the Chinese Buddha--

"Mr. is usually very busy, may not have time to accompany you, you must be very bored in the castle" I can go out with you. There are many interesting places in Syracuse. "

hearing this sentence, Hua Xiaofu's original indifferent eyes gleamed with a glimmer of light and turned to look at her: "really"

"of course." Eva was overjoyed at her response and hurriedly said, "I grew up in Syracuse. I know where there is fun and delicious food in Syracuse."

I can take you skiing, watching snow leopards and auroras. If you like delicious food, I can take you to taste all kinds of delicacies and take you to arty. "

"Great." Hua Xiaofu changed his attitude and said amicably, "come to my room and change your clothes, just in time for a chat."

"Yes, yes!" Eva was overjoyed.

downstairs, when Lengdongcheng saw this, he picked up a shallow arc on his lips and raised his glass to propose a toast to Leng Di Feng: "Difeng, you know, I have always supported you. Anyway, we just want to be a family."

Leng Di Feng has never liked these affected words, but now the other three major forces are eyeing covetously, he should attract Leng Dongcheng in order to confront them.

"I'm relieved that Uncle Cheng said that." Leng Difeng touched a cup with him. "Leng's direct family, only you and I are left, we should advance and retreat together!"

"that's right." Leng Dongcheng smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, no matter what decision you make, I will support you!" asked Ye Hui, "have you asked Mama Rong" What on earth did the child eat yesterday ""this." Ye Hui hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "the three children have been with Miss Leng since t...