Chapter 1857-Love rival

solution, we can only do business."said, Bai Qiuyu stood up."wait a minute." Feng Qianxue suddenly thought of something and hurriedly took it out of his bag. "I'll give you this mortgage."... "Bai Qi...came for five days, Hua Xiaofu walked out of the castle for the first time, only to remember that this is the Snow City, a city like winter all the year round.

there is a holy white everywhere, and the sun shines on the snow as if plated with a layer of silver, which is incredibly beautiful.

Hua Xiaofu walked with Nora for more than an hour without seeing the exit of the castle. She couldn't help asking, "where is the exit"

"go straight ahead for three kilometers and you'll see it." Nora smiled and said, "the castle is a little big. Would you like me to arrange a car to show you around"

"No need."

Hua Xiaofu looked at the heavily guarded and heavily guarded guards and gave up the idea of sneaking out.

it was so big that there was no end in sight, and there were soldiers with guns everywhere. I'm afraid it was whimsical for her to sneak out.

even if she slips out, how can she escape from this hellhole if she is a stranger outside

you'd better negotiate with Lengdifeng.

was thinking that there was a sudden sound of a car not far away, and Nora said happily, "Sir is back!"

Hua Xiaofu turned his head and saw a procession coming slowly from afar.

"Miss Bao, let's go in and prepare a dinner party for the guests." Nora smiled and said, "We have never had a guest in the castle. By the way, Miss Bao is the first one!"

"this shows that Leng Di Feng usually has a bad interpersonal relationship." Hua Xiaofu said casually, "all right, I'll go back by myself. Go and get busy."

"how can I do that, Miss Bao I'll take you back first." Nora is very respectful to the Chinese Buddha.

"No, I looked around and went back by myself."

Hua Xiaofu said and walked quickly towards the back yard by himself.

Nora, worried about her accident, hurriedly asked two bodyguards to follow her.

Hua Xiaofu wandered all the way, walking on from the backyard, and she was shocked to see the scene in front of her.

there is a forest ahead, in which there are all kinds of ferocious beasts.

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what tigers, lions, leopards, eagles, pythons.

it seems that Leng Difeng has always been in the habit of studying animals. why does he do these studies what does he want to do

was thinking when suddenly a gentle voice came from behind: "Don't be afraid."

Buddha Hua was stunned slightly and looked back. Leng Di Feng, dressed in white, was standing under a big tree. The snow reflected on his face, looking even more handsome and cold.

"they won't hurt you."

Leng Di Feng looked at her gently and was about to walk towards her when a soft voice came: "cousin!"

then, a girl came over quickly and took Leng Difeng's arm directly.

Hua Xiaofu was stupefied for a moment and looked up. The girl was tall, white as snow, noble in temperament, a typical national beauty, but a pair of narrow eyes with an obvious hostility when looking at Hua Xiaofu!

"cousin, I've been looking for you everywhere. There you are"

the girl glanced at Hua Xiaofu and gently acted coquettish to the Lengdi wind. "it's so cold here."

before she had finished her words, Leng Di Feng coldly drew out his hand, walked directly over, and left with Hua Xiaofu.

the girl stayed where she was alone, very frustrated, but dared not say a word.


at this time, a tall, sharp-eyed middle-aged man came over.

"Uncle." The girl hurriedly greeted her, pointed to Hua Xiaofu and said, "that girl."... "

"I've already asked, and the girl took a shot for her, so she was brought back to heal her wounds."

the man glanced at the distant Lengdi wind and whispered, "A skinny little girl like this is not attractive and won't like her."

even if you like it, you should take him away. Remember, don't be arrogant and capricious in front of him. A man like this has no patience to coax a woman. "he also spent the morning visiting Leng Bing and Gao Ting in the hospital.Leng Bing's condition is very stable, and now it has a definite relationship with Night Glow. . SevenYonghui would take time t...