Chapter 1841: Is it me?

ate it.her financial adviser told her that she did have to confirm it face-to-face four years ago, but after these four years of technological development, their bank has an advanced system, which can...Haicheng is a place that is all too familiar to the Chinese Buddha.

when she came down the mountain, the first city she went to was Haicheng.

although there is a lot of memory loss due to the explosion, head injury and memory loss, she will still have a familiar feeling when she returns to Haicheng.

it's just a lot of past events that I can't quite remember.

leaving from the airport, Hua Xiaofu and Bai Hao took a taxi to the hotel.

Bai Hao pointed to the building outside and said to Hua Xiaofu, "Little Buddha, look, ahead is Fengyun Hotel, which is where we are going to stay tonight."

you used to like this hotel, although it is in the city center, but it is quiet in the middle of the noise and the traffic is convenient.

the tallest building over there is owned by Shengshi Group, which is said to be the first subsidiary of Night Group to enter the domestic market, specializing in science and technology.

the white building opposite is Fengshi Group. Although it is not as famous as Shengtian, it is also a little famous.

Feng Qian Yang, president of Wind Group, is the richest man in Haicheng. When you were rejected when you went to medical school for further study, it was he who opened his mouth and left you. Do you remember "

hearing these past events, Hua Xiaofu has some vague memories in his mind, but he can't remember them clearly.

"Feng Qianyang is really a good man and has done a lot of good deeds."

the taxi driver suddenly opened the chatterbox, "donated orphanages, nursing homes, but also built various schools, my nephew works as a security guard in his company."

by the way, today is the day of his daughter's engagement, and the engagement ceremony is so grand that my nephew went to help. "

"really That's good. Congratulations. "

Bai Hao was impressed by his benefactor Feng Qianyang. He smiled and said to Hua Xiaofu, "Little Buddha, shall we send a gift"

"No need." Hua Xiaofu shook his head. "maybe people don't remember us at all, so let's not disturb us rashly."

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"also true." Bai Hao nodded and asked casually, "which family is the wind family married with"

"Si Jia." The taxi driver smiled and said, "it is said that the two families are well-matched and grew up together. Miss Feng has a good relationship with that young man."


Bai Hao reached out and hooked Hua Xiaofu's shoulder and asked jokingly, "ancestor, when are we going to get married"

Bai Hao, the same age as Hua Xiaofu, is an orphan and a genius. He can learn everything as soon as he learns. Now he has a double doctorate in business management and economics. While running a company, he is also helping Hua Xiaofu take care of the foundation.

he has a handsome baby face, looking a little childish, and his eyes are always shining brightly, giving people a sense of youthful sunshine.

"have you lost your mind" Hua Xiaofu glared at him ferociously, "We are like brothers. What kind of marriage do we have"

"Uh..." Bai Hao was obviously a little lost, but the next second, he laughed heartily, "that's right, you're not enlightened yet."

Hua Xiaofu lazily ignored him and continued to reply to William. They didn't arrive until the evening. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still early.

"Little Buddha, why don't I go to see the Leng Difeng for you Just tell him that the necklace is ours. Let him give it back to me. "

Bai Hao suggested, "the president of the Leng Group should be a reasonable person who will not occupy other people's things."

"the point is that the necklace is a token of love he gave to his first lover, and it has a special meaning to him." Hua Xiaofu frowned,

"but it doesn't make sense logically. That necklace is clearly my personal thing. How did it become a pledge of him and his first lover"

is he mistaken Or am I forgetting something If he's not mistaken, is it... I was his first lover. "d to hear, only the ripples on the electrocardiograph proved that he was still alive.there was no sound in the room, only a slight sound on the electrocardiograph. Leng Qianxue looked at him quietly a...