Chapter 1794-Going Out

t paper for inspection on the spot. "fortunately, I took it with me.""check this again." Leng Qianxue pointed to Louis's cup of sober tea."Yes." Indifference. Check it right away."No need to check." T..."Sir, you had a fever last night, and now you don't look well. Why don't we deal with this later"

"Yes, sir, take care of the wound first."

"shut up!!"

No sooner had Hua Xiaofu stepped into the room than he heard Leng Di Feng yelling at Lengxiao and Lenggang.

several maids and doctors have been bowing and standing aside, not daring to come out.

"change my clothes." Leng Difeng insisted on trying to get out of bed.

the doctor came to help him immediately, and the maid went to get his clothes.

although Lengxiao Lenggang was very worried, he dared not disobey him.

"where are you going" Only Hua Xiaofu dared to ask, and his tone was quite arrogant. "Last night I used a knife and had a fever. I can't guarantee that your wound will be infected when I go out now."

Leng Di Feng looked up at her, cold and oppressed: "who gave you the courage to talk to me like that"

"I know you're a big shot." Hua Xiaofu was not afraid of him at all and said confidently, "but for a doctor, no matter how powerful a person is, he is an equal patient when he comes to me!"

" Leng Di Feng Ling eyebrow, seems to be questioning her with his eyes, you are telling me to treat her equally

"Why are you looking at me like that" Hua Xiaofu was suppressed by his eyes and turned around. "it's really dangerous for you to go out now. Is this more important than your life" . Seven

Leng Di Feng ignored her, turned around, spread his arms, and let the maid dress him. At the same time, he said to Leng Xiao, "Let her follow and bring the medical kit!"

"Yes, I understand." Leng Xiao nodded and immediately said to Hua Xiaofu, "Dr. Hua, go and get ready."


Hua Xiaofu is speechless, she knows that this 100 million US dollars is not so easy to earn.

before we had time to have lunch, the party just set off.

considering that there will be a variety of sudden factors, leading to another fever or other injuries, Hua Xiaofu brought a lot of medicine, as well as a variety of commonly used tools, as well as needle bags.

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because of the cold emperor wind injury, this time used an extended version of the Rolls-Royce.

Leng Xiao, Hua Xiaofu, and Kelly, the doctor, accompanied Leng Difeng in the car.

Leng Di Feng leaned on the sofa to read the papers when he got into the car. Although he was seriously injured, he seemed to be in good spirits.

Hua Xiaofu leans lazily on his seat to take a nap.

Leng Xiao looked at her like this and could not help joking: "Dr. Hua, why do I think you have been dozing off every day in addition to medical treatment"

"Life lies in stillness." Hua Xiaofu felt that leaning on the seat was not comfortable enough, so he just lay down and said vaguely, "Don't bother me. I'll get some sleep." No sooner had she finished speaking than she fell asleep with a slight snoring.

Leng Xiao could not help chuckling: "for such a simple-minded girl, I really don't believe that she has any intentions, unless it's all fake, and her acting is so good."

Leng Di Feng didn't answer. He just glanced at Hua Xiao Buddha and then went on to read the document.

after a while, he felt unbearable pain and sweating.

"what's the matter with you, sir" Leng Xiao immediately woke up Hua Xiaofu, "Dr. Hua, wake up."

Hua Xiaofu was woken up again, irritated to death: "what's the matter now"

"Sir is not feeling well." Leng Xiao said eagerly, "come and have a look."

"No wonder you are so sick that you can feel comfortable."

Hua Xiaofu got up to check on Leng Di Feng. Without saying anything, he just took away the documents in his hand and said, "Don't look, you need to rest."

"impudence!" Leng Di Feng frowned.

"it's no use staring at me. You need to lie down and have a rest right now, or you'll continue to have a fever."

Hua Xiaofu said as he took out the prepared traditional Chinese medicine from the medicine cabinet and said, "drink it!"es, I'll do some research to see if there are any new technologies that will allow men to have children.""hee hee, let's have a few more babies.""then you have to work hard to get me pregnant.""poof,...