Chapter 1789-Guarding

as another burst of dizziness from his head and almost fell down.Night Thunder held her in time and asked anxiously, "what's the matter with you" Is the toxicity happening again ""not.""still say no"...and Hua Xiaofu, who treats him attentively, doesn't seem to be aware of these subtle details.

soon, the wound was bandaged.

Hua Xiaofo changed a pair of medical gloves and began to give him an injection, while telling Leng Xiao-

"Tonight he may have a recurrent fever. Someone must keep a vigil here and watch his temperature at any time. Do not exceed 39 degrees. Let me know as soon as it exceeds."

"Doctor Hua, you can't leave tonight."

Leng Xiao rarely used a respectful title to the Chinese Buddha, "although we have a vigil, we have to call you if our body temperature rises. How troublesome is it" Why don't you just stay. "

Hua Xiaofu did not speak. He waited until the needle was inserted before he said, "would you ask him if he would like me to keep a vigil" I bandaged his wound, and his eyebrows were almost knotted, as if I were going to force him. "

"er." The words were stuffed for a moment, and I didn't know how to answer.

Leng Di Feng is so sweaty now that he doesn't bother to quarrel with her.

"say, are you dying or do you want to be chaste" Hua Xiaofu deliberately teased him.

"get out!!" Leng Difeng gritted his teeth and drank angrily.

"you see, he told me to leave, but I couldn't help it." Hua Xiaofu took off his gloves and strode away. "pay attention to his body temperature and remember to call me when you have a fever."


Leng Xiao is speechless, and this is the first time he has met such a difficult doctor.

obviously they paid a lot of money to hire her, so she should be obedient.

make it look like she is the master

Hua Xiaofo went back to his room to eat and went back to sleep. She didn't sleep last night. She is so sleepy now.

as soon as he fell asleep, there was a sharp knock on the door: "Doctor Hua, Doctor Hua."

"what's wrong" Hua Xiaofu's sleepy response.

"Mr. Xiao has a fever. Boss Xiao asks you to come over." The female doctor urged anxiously, "Please come and have a look."

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Hua Xiaofu is very helpless, but his drowsiness has been woken up, so he has to rub his eyes, get up and get dressed, drag his tired and feeble body to the next room.

the light in the room is off, leaving only the orange wall lamp.

the gentle light shines on the room, adding some warmth to the cold-toned room.

Leng Di Feng lay on the bed, falling into a lethargy.

Lengxiao Lenggang stood beside him, anxious.

two doctors are kneeling beside the bed, wiping sweat for the cold emperor wind with white hot towels.

"how many degrees" Hua Xiaofu walked over.

"38.5!" Leng Xiao hurriedly replied, "Dr. Hua, come and have a look."

"didn't I tell you" I didn't call me until I was almost 39. " Hua Xiaofu beat Hatcher, "it's still early."

"Dr. Hua." Leng Xiao was about to speak when Lenggang lost his temper. "you are the doctor we employ with high salary. Is this sloppy attitude too unprofessional"

Hua Xiaofu was not angry. He just glanced at him and explained patiently, "have you ever seen a child with a fever" If you don't have a certain body temperature, you just need to cool it physically, and you don't need to take medicine until you get there. "

said, as she sat lazily on the couch, "my antipyretic has certain side effects, and it's not necessary to use it until I have to."

"then you should stay here, too." Lenggang was angry, "instead of running back to bed."

"ready cold steel." Leng Xiao hurriedly interrupted him and began to come to a conclusion. "Dr. Hua, you probably don't know the identity of your husband. His safety is related to the fate of a family and a group. He can't make any mistakes."

"it has nothing to do with his identity." Hua Xiaofu frowned. "even if he is an ordinary person, as a doctor, I will try my best to treat him."


"all right." Hua Xiaofu interrupted them and didn't want to say more to them, "I'll stay here, all of you." became famous when he was young, across the business world, half his life, arrogant, never lost, never afraid of anything.but now, he is suddenly very scared, afraid that all this beautiful thing is...