Chapter 1743-Good intentions

ded."very good." Night Thunder sneered and nodded, stood up and resolutely left, "Let them shut up together and reflect on themselves!""Yes." Ye Hui took a sympathetic look at the wind and snow and fo...sure enough, seven days later.

Leng Qianxue received a phone call from Leng Xiao, saying that Leng Difeng would transfer some Lengshi shares to her and let her go back to go through the formalities.

Leng Qianxue was very surprised. Before that, her brother had transferred part of Leng's shares to her. Later, there was something wrong with Leng. In order to avoid implicating her, he took back the shares.

did not expect to transfer it to her now. She asked why, Leng Xiao said directly that some of them belonged to her aunt and should be left to her, and some of them were won by night thrill bets.

Leng Qianxue was very shocked and immediately asked about the specific situation, but Leng Xiao didn't say much, just told her to find time to go back to go through the formalities.

Leng Qianxue immediately agreed, and then called Night Thunder to ask about the details.

Night Thunder knew that he could not escape, and honestly confessed to the bet. . Seven

Leng Qianxue was so angry that he scolded him.

Night Thunder smiled bitterly and said, "Honey, you can't blame me for this. If I don't say so, how can I arouse your brother's fighting spirit"

"but that's my brother. It's right for you to help him. How can you charge for it" I am out of breath in the cold snow.

"if I lose, I will be willing to give up."


"anyway, it is transferred to your name. If Leng Shi has any problems in the future, we can also justifiably help. Isn't that good"

Night Thunder coaxed patiently.

hearing this sentence, Leng Qianxue could not help but shine in front of his eyes: "right, too." I heard that there are still some problems in the group that have not been dealt with properly. I happen to go back as a shareholder to see if there is anything I can do to help. "

"Leng Shi was badly hit before and now needs money." Night Thunder has already inquired about the situation, "as a shareholder, you should also make a contribution and bring some money back to inject capital!"

"I have no money. I gave all my money to my sister-in-law." Leng Qianxue said hurriedly.

"you don't have it at home. My husband will arrange it for you. You leave tomorrow. When you get to E country, I'll teach you how to do it."

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in the afternoon, Ye Hui brought lawyer Jin to the house and asked Leng Qianxue to sign a document. Leng Qianxue knew that it was a document for invoking group funds and needed her to sign.

as soon as she looked at the figures, she was so frightened that her pens fell to the ground and hurriedly asked, "so much money" This, this is all given to me. Is Yue's fund all right "

"I don't know the details, but the King of Night arranged it for a reason, so don't worry about it." The night glow advised with a smile.

"the Night King has arranged for us to accompany you to country e. There are some problems that we can help you deal with." Lawyer Kim smiled and said, "is that all right, young lady"

"are you going too" Leng Qianxue asked about the night glow.

"of course." Ye Hui smiled and nodded. "the Night King said," if you go back to your mother's house, you should also be confident. You can't be underestimated! "

"with my brother around, who dares to underestimate me" Leng Qianxue smiled, but then said, "what's more, I have such a powerful husband!"

", that is!"

Night Hui and lawyer Jin completed all the formalities for Leng Qianxue, made some arrangements, and left very late.

after taking care of all the preparatory work, Leng Qianxue accompanied the children for a while and went back to the bedroom to change clothes and take a bath. Night Thunder came back: "Let's wash together!"

"husband!" Leng Qianxue turned and hugged him, the little face pressed against his chest, and said with emotion, "Thank you!"

"Hmm Thank you for what " Night Thunder kissed her hair.

"I called to complain about you this afternoon, but now I know your intentions are well-intentioned." Leng Qianxue was a little ashamed. "you bet this bet with your brother because you firmly believe that you can win. The reason for doing this is to find a legitimate reason to help Leng!"

"No, I'm trying to make money." Night Zhen Ting pinched her face and deliberately teased her, "didn't you say that I am a profiteer!"t better than Chen Chen."Night Thunder watched their back gradually leave, the smile on their faces slowly faded, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he whispered an order: "Let the night army...