Chapter 1721-Sighted

d asked her to take the place of the management group.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});these three items are very clear, without the slightest hesitation.other shareholders and senior...Leng Difeng sat in his seat, and the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

the excitement and warmth just now was completely gone, the children became nervous, and Hua Xiaofu was not as comfortable as he was just now.

"well, we rarely get together as a family, so we should raise our glasses and touch each other."

Leng Qianxue raised her glass to ease her embarrassment.

Night Thunder immediately pandered to her and raised his glass, but his glass was filled with drinks.

the children all raised their drink cups with the night thrill, and Hua Xiaofu also raised them with the crowd. this time, everyone looked at Leng Di Feng.

Leng Di Feng can only raise his glass.

"Yeah, have fun!" Leng Qianxue cheered happily, "I hope our family can often get together like this in the future. Cheers!"


everyone clinks glasses to each other and drinks happily.

however, no one touches the cup with Lengdi Feng.

Night Thunder touched glasses with Leng Qianxue and the children, and was about to have a drink. Seeing Leng Di's wind lost, he quickly took the initiative to touch glasses with him.

Leng Difeng's hand was deadlocked for a moment, and then he gently touched his cup.

then the two men drank the contents of the cup silently.

"Let's eat!"

Leng Qianxue greeted the children happily and gave them food.

Night Thunder also chatted with the children: "what game did you just play" Do you play on the swing Slide "

"I'm on the swing!" One by one raised his hands and said excitedly, "Brother Dragon pushed me behind. I swung high and high. It was super fun."

"I slid down the slide." Erer said in a milky voice, "but there is no uncle down there to pick me up. The slide is a little high, and I'm a little scared."

"then the next time my uncle will pick you up below." Night Thunder said gently, "or let Daddy catch you."

said, he also took a look at Leng Di Feng.

Leng Di Feng also looked at er.

22nd immediately shook his head weakly: "Don't, don't, don't answer it."

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"huh" The night thunderous raises the eyebrow, "Why" Daddy is taller than his uncle and can safely catch two or two. "

"I'm afraid of..."

Erji was frightened when he looked at Leng Difeng's hand and hurriedly curled up in the arms of the little Buddha.

"what's wrong" Hua Xiaofu hurriedly hugged Erer, "did Daddy bully you"

"Daddy just told us a ghost story." One by one took the opportunity to complain, "it's scary!"

"Yes, he held out his hand to frighten us."

as he spoke, he began to burst into tears again.

"that story is so scary that even Chen Brother long long and Yueyue Sister Chen are scared." 1 faces with indignation.

"er." Is it true that Ye Zhen Ting was stunned to tell ghost stories to such a small child

"112200." Leng Qianxue hurriedly helped Leng Di Feng make a round. "Daddy is just joking with you. I don't mean to scare you."

"Yes, just kidding."

Night Thunder also spoke for Leng Di Feng. He was really afraid of Hua Xiaofu fighting with Leng Di Feng at the dinner table.

"what's such a scary story"

Hua Xiaofu inquired Leng Di Feng curiously.

"I've only heard one story." Leng Difeng shook his glass and frowned coldly. "what do you think"

"is that the story where you got hit by a car and lost your hand" Hua Xiaofu said with great delight, "Ha, what's so scary about that how funny it is!"

"er." Night Thunder and Leng Qianxue were confused, and the two looked at each other and asked, "have you ever heard of it"

"I told him about it." Hua Xiaofu said beaming and triumphant, "I scared him with a story, and he was scared, too, ha."


Night Thunder and Leng Qianxue are completely speechless. It's not that the whole family doesn't enter a house.

they all thought that Hua Xiaofu was going to lose his temper and scold Leng Di Feng for a long time. She told this story.that nothing would happen to Hua Xiaofu.Hua Xiaofu woke up in a daze with a severe pain in his head, blood soaked his hair and sticky paste on his neck, with a strong smell of blood.she found herself...