Chapter 1712-I am here

with Leng. < br > from a commercial point of view, Ye Shi is not fully prepared. The old man Ye is seriously ill, vies for power and profits, and causes internal and external troubles. < br > from a...when Kim Yun-hee saw this, he immediately dismissed his entourage, leaving two confidant female bodyguards by his side.

"Miss Kim wants to see me" Night Thunder asked bluntly.

"I heard about Tianya..." Kim Yun-hee asked excitedly, "does he really have AIDS"

"where did you learn that"

Night Thunder frowned. He hadn't had time to spread it. How did Kim Yun-hee know so quickly

"it seems to be true." Kim Yun-hee was so angry that his hands were shaking. "this animal."... "

"I'm not sure yet." Night Thunder is very calm, "now only know that he had sex with a girl with AIDS, as for whether he is infected, no one knows."

"the probability of this kind of thing spreading is very high." Kim Yun-hee was about to collapse, "then I."

"Don't scare yourself if you don't know for sure." Night Thunder calmly appeased, "you should have had a blood test before you came, right"

"it has been tested, but even if there is a problem, it cannot be detected now." Kim Yun-hee was anxious and then scolded excitedly, "that animal at the end of the world has ruined my life, and I will never let him go, and Leng Qianxue …"... "

speaking of this, Kim Yun-hee's eyes sparkled with a cold glow of bone erosion. "she hurt me!"

"what does it have to do with her" The night frowned.

"I was cut off that night. When she cheated, she was in the room, but she didn't stop me and watched me be bullied.

she is so vicious in her heart, do you still think it doesn't matter

Kim Yun-hee trembled with excitement as she spoke-

"for your sake, I didn't look into it, but now I know that she even found a woman with AIDS to have sex with Tianya. She did it on purpose!"

"you think too much of yourself." The tone of the night thunderous suddenly became serious. "at that time, Qianxue was attacked on all sides, to deal with your father, to deal with Tianya, the company still had a bunch of ghosts and snakes causing trouble, how could she have any intention to hurt you"

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"Night Manager."

"hear me out." Night Thunder interrupted Kim Yun-hee and said solemnly, "from the beginning to the end, you have no threat to her at all. Not only that, you have helped her, so she has no motive to harm you."

she found that AIDS girl to sleep with Diantianya, also because of self-protection, and at that time she had no idea that the girl was infected with AIDS. Zhang Xiaodong only learned about it this morning. "

paused, Ye Zhen Ting narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Yunxi coldly. "you know the news so quickly, probably because you've been staring at Zhang Xiaodong, right" Did you take him to torture "

hearing these words, Kim Yun-hee's eyes twinkled a little and did not give a direct answer.

"release the person immediately." The voice of the night thunderous became fierce, "otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!"

"Zhang Xiaodong has a hard mouth. He would rather die than say a word about Leng Qianxue. I found it from his staff. I know he has a close relationship with you and didn't touch him."

Kim Yun-hee angrily explained, "but Nightmaster, I attached great importance to you, secretly helped your wife when you were killed, and did not hesitate to expose my father for you, but you didn't seem to regard me as a friend."

"what do you want" Night Thunder didn't say much, but frowned and looked at her.

"Leng Qianxue and Duan Tianya have done this to me, so let it go" Kim Yun-hee asked excitedly.

"for the last time, it's your father and Tianya that hurt you, not Qianxue." Night Thunder has been a little impatient, severely warned, "with me, no one can touch a hair of her!" the other is romantic and beautiful.Yueyue looked at the romantic and beautiful castle from a distance and said excitedly: "that castle is so beautiful, like the place where the princess lives in the...