Chapter 1703-Relying on

tared unbelievably. "how can you apologize to her" Do you know this bitch she. ""shut up." Ling Fengxiao won't let Ling long speak at all.Ling long was almost mad and left angrily."you stand down, too...Leng Difeng can't help thinking why he is always alone, his sister is afraid of him, and his wife and children reject him thousands of miles away.

it seems that no one is so close to him, trusting him, and attached to him.

is it what did he do wrong

I can't help feeling a little lost when I think about it.

"Bao er, go in with Mommy."

Hua Xiaofu's voice interrupted Leng Difeng's thoughts. He turned to see that the woman had already entered the house with her three children, completely without the resistance and strangeness she had just seen, and looked like a master, as if this was her territory.

Leng Di Feng rolled his eyes and followed him silently.

"Open the door and see them off."

Leng Xiao followed him out to see off the night thunder, in a very respectful manner.

when it was time to get on the bus, Leng Xiao bent over again and said gratefully to the night, "Night boss, thank you for tonight. You must come tomorrow!"

this sentence is very simple and simple, but it illustrates a very profound problem.

Leng Xiao knew his master's temper. The situation in country e was steep, and it was not clear yet, but Leng Difeng gave up everything and came to Haicheng to look for Hua Xiaofu.

according to their stubborn temper, if there is no one to mediate between them, I am afraid they will continue to fight hard. Even if Leng Di Feng wins and binds Hua Xiaofu back to country e, how can Hua Xiaofu's temper be tied up for too long.

it won't be long before there will be trouble again, and the cold family will never be at peace.

but tonight, the appearance of night thunder makes Leng Xiao kindled hope.

he used to think that Night Thunder was as lofty and invincible as their master, but now he finds that Night Thunder has such a high EQ, can bend and stretch, combines strength and softness, and can stabilize the situation quietly.

"Oh, sure!" Night Thunder smiled and nodded.

"take care at night!" Leng Xiao waved gratefully and watched the motorcade leave.

when the car drove out of the cold villa, Chen Chen could not help asking, "Daddy, are you really coming tomorrow" In my opinion, with the character of uncle and aunt, it is difficult for you to convince them. "

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"Yes." Night Thunder nodded.

"Why are you still coming" Chen Chen looked at him puzzled.

"think of it as returning the favor." Night Zhen Ting said with a smile, "although it is difficult for personalities to change each other, anything is possible because of feelings!"

"well, I don't understand."

when it comes to emotional matters, it is beyond Chen Chen's understanding.

"well, you don't need to know that, just be a carefree child." Night Thunder touched his arm with a needle and said sadly, "Daddy wants you to grow up happily!"

"I'm fine." Chen Chen looked up at the night thunder, "Daddy, how is your illness" Will it happen in the future " He dared not say the words behind

. When it came to this topic, Chen, who had always been strong, became panicked, and he was afraid that Daddy would leave him again.

"Daddy saved his life from the dead." Night Thunder knows his mind, "Daddy will live well and watch you grow up, marry and have children."... "


as soon as Chen Chen's nose was sore, he burst into tears and burst into tears in the arms of Night Throne.

all the previous strength, maturity and forbearance disintegrated at this moment.

in the father's arms, he is now just a fragile and helpless child.

Night Zhen Ting painfully hugged Chen, patted him on the back, and said to himself in his heart, we must protect him and this family in the future!

is thinking, the car suddenly braked suddenly, night thunder thought there was any problem, immediately alert to ask: "what's the matter"

"is. Miss Leng, they! "

A Hai hurriedly stopped the car.

Night Army is ready to get out of the car to check the situation, Leng Qianxue has taken Longlong and Yueyue to run this way.

"Daddy, Dabao!"g Qianxue was very surprised. Unexpectedly, Chu Zihan was pregnant.No wonder you are in such a hurry to get married."Qianxue, I know that you and Si Haoxuan are a thing of the past. You should not min...