Chapter 1666-Disconnection

things and found that Chen Chen had changed his pajamas and his hair seemed to have been washed. "have you finished taking a bath""mm-hmm." Chen nodded and her eyes fell on the clothing bag in her ha..."Mommy, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Chen's voice is very hoarse and a little weak.

"Mommy is sorry, Dabao." Cold Qianxue couldn't help crying.

"Mommy, don't say that." Chen Chen also cried, "I'm all right. I'm with Uncle Leng Xiao. I can go home soon."

"good." Cold Qianxue took a deep breath, "give the phone to Uncle Leng Xiao."


Miss Leng!

"take care of Chen Chen for me and take him to the hospital."

"Don't worry, I know." Leng Xiao said, "go to the company quickly. I'll take it from here."


hanging up the phone, Leng Qianxue wiped away his tears, looked up and said to the Night Army, "Speed up the car and go to the office right away."


Silver Aston Martin is speeding down the road like a gust of wind.

it is already 02:30, and they have just left the boundary of Rain City, which is still a long way from Haicheng.

Leng Qianxue, worried that she would not be able to catch up with the 03:00 board of directors, took out her mobile phone and called Wen Li, but she couldn't get through.

she frowned and continued to call Jiang Dong, but she couldn't get through.

she tried to call Nakamori again, but she couldn't get through.

she is very worried. Did Kim Jae-hee control them . Seven

Leng Qianxue tried to call other shareholders of the company, but he still couldn't get through.

even the phone in the president's office is not answered.

Leng Qianxue was in a hurry and immediately told his entourage: "try to contact other people in Yue, even if it's just a security guard. I want to know what happened to Shengtian."

"Yes." I'll do it right away.

Leng Qianxue thought about it and called Lengbing again. This time he got through, but there was no answer.

she felt very strange, and for a moment, it seemed that everyone had been disconnected.

what on earth are they doing

Leng Qianxue is very uneasy.

Shengtian Group Building.

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Wen Li hurriedly ordered: "deal with it quickly, how come the company suddenly has no signal" It's strange that all the communication equipment can't be used, the Internet can't be accessed, and the phone can't be made out. "

"We are checking the fault, and we have notified the operator and asked them to check it."

"as soon as possible, the board meeting will be held soon."

"OK, got it."

after giving orders, Wen Li hurried to Jiang Dong's office and told her the situation: "Don't worry, it should be taken care of soon."

"there must be ghosts." Jiang Dong frowned. He knew that someone must have tampered with such a situation at this juncture.

"you find an inconspicuous person, leave the Shengtian Building and go outside to call Miss Leng." Jiang Dong told him decisively, "go quickly."

"Yes." Wenli went to arrange it immediately.

as time approached, Dong Chiang looked at his watch and asked his entourage, "go and see if Uncle Sam is here."

"I sent someone down to pick it up half an hour ago."

"go again." Jiang Dong urged, "not in the underground parking lot, but to pick it up at the door of the building and see if you can make a phone call."

"Yes." I'll do it right away.

"go and have a look. What other directors haven't arrived yet"

Jiang Dong also ordered the other attendants.

"I went to see it just now, only you and Uncle Mori, and everyone else has arrived. Night Quan arrived three minutes ago, and now all the directors are waiting in the conference room." But the night hasn't arrived yet. "

in the middle of what the entourage had said, Wen Li pushed the door in and said eagerly, "that." Duan Tianya and Mr. Kim have arrived, and Miss Kim Yun-hee. "

"where's Nakamori" Jiang Dong asked right away.

"not yet." Wen Li frowned and said, "I sent someone outside to call his old man's assistant. There should be news soon."

"is something wrong" Jiang Dong looked dignified. "since an hour ago, Qianxue has been out of touch."... " began to speak--"once upon a time there was a man who was killed by a car on the road, and his limbs were gone." In the middle of, the children's faces turned green and their eyes widened and looked...