Chapter 153 Reviews For 153

to play, he will order a few princesses to accompany the wine, the lady.""impudence!" Cold rebuke.Zhang Xiaodong immediately bowed his head and dared not speak."do women want men" Cold Qianxue eyebro...Feng Qianxue came to the bar, put on a mask, performed on the stage, and won a full house tonight.

the guests in the audience kept cheering and applauding, and many guests gave her a reward.

after a performance, Feng Qianxue reaped a lot. She has only been here for three days and has already increased the turnover of the bar several times.

Brother Dong decided to increase her appearance fee from 2800 to 3, 000 from tonight.

Feng Qianxue is very happy, but the money is still a drop in the bucket compared with 100 million.

after a ten-minute break, Feng Qianxue came down to drink water and looked at the position in the corner. She couldn't help feeling a little lost when the guy didn't come yet.

"Little break will be here in a minute." Brother Dong read her mind, "it will definitely appear in the second half."

"I'm not waiting for him." Wind Qianxue mouth is not to the heart of the denial.

"Ha, don't hide it from me." Brother Dong said with a smile, "by the way, you forgot to take your bag back when you got off work yesterday. I'll put it in the counter at the cashier. Remember to take it with you when you leave later."

"I forgot if you didn't tell me. I'm so confused. Thank you."

Feng Qianxue thanked him and went on stage to continue the performance.

at this time, someone carried 999 red roses to the stage and gave them to the wind and snow.

immediately, someone rang the bell, and Brother Dong announced with his microphone, "Tonight, he bought all the bills. Let's drink as much as we can!"

"stop being mighty!"

the guests stood up and cheered and applauded, and the atmosphere was ignited again.

looking back at Feng Qianxue, Duan Tianya came in from the outside, dressed in fashion, young, handsome and unruly.

he blew her a kiss and smiled intimately and vaguely.

Feng Qianxue sits in front of the piano to perform, feeling a little mixed.

he is handsome, youthful and sunny, humorous and witty, and he also has a free and easy nature that many upper-class people do not have.

he will be a good playmate, but it will be difficult for him to shoulder the responsibility of a family.

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to put it bluntly, he is still a child who has not grown up and is very playful and difficult to relax.

can he really play the role of a good father

Women are born maternal. No matter how fragile and delicate they are before, as long as they become mothers, they will quickly play the role of waitress.

Men, however, seldom do.


Brother Dong approached Tianya with beer and looked at him on the stage with a wicked smile.

"I'm serious this time."

Duan Tianya looked at the wind and snow obsessively. "she is a combination of elegance and sexiness, either an angel or a demon. The woman who is compatible with both is the best in the world, which fascinates me."

"Tut-tut." Brother Dong sighed, "it's rare to see you so moved."

"of course, I even have the ring ready." Tianya felt out the diamond ring in his pocket.

"are you going to propose Don't think about it anymore " Brother Dong patted him on the shoulder. "your mother won't necessarily agree."

"people who are recognized at first glance should be firmly grasped so as not to have too many dreams at night!"

Duan Tianya looks at the wind and snow, his eyes are full of tenderness.

"Duan Shao" at this time, several sexy and enchanting Internet celebrity girls gathered around, "We are looking for you everywhere, so there you are."

"Why don't you go to the night these days We wait for you there every day. "

"Yes, without saying a word about the change of position." when

spoke, several girls had already sat next to Diantianya, their sexy bodies clinging to him, and some even leaned over to kiss him.

"get out!" A rebuke of disgust at the end of the world.

"you didn't treat people like this before."

two girls hugged his arm tightly, and the other sat directly on his lap, put his arms around his neck and kissed him.

on the stage, Feng Qianxue saw this scene, frowned tightly, and missed a beat of the piano music.t know, how can you not know" Tianya gritted his teeth and asked, "you planned it a long time ago and joined Zhang Xiaodong to harm me. Fortunately, I never had the heart to do it to you, and you used...