Chapter 1586-Unkind Request

ared not come this time, another group of people broke in from outside.Black Tiger immediately took the box and jumped off the balcony."stop!"Night Hui saw the black tiger fleeing with the box..."Night boss, if you divorce Miss Leng, how will the property be distributed"

"Yes, Mr. Night, it was rumored that you have transferred all your assets to Miss Leng. If you divorce now, does it mean that she will be the president of Yee in the future"

"Night boss, are those three children really not born to you"

"Night boss, it is rumored that Mr. Leng has made a comeback and is about to make a comeback. Will this affect your relationship with Miss Leng"

"Night boss, have you and Miss Leng gone through the divorce formalities"

"Night boss, does your divorce from Miss Leng have anything to do with Mr. Chu"

listening to these messy questions, Duan Tianya's brow frowned tightly, and the news of divorce was released so quickly that it seemed impossible to leave now.

Kim Jae-hee is really calculating step by step, taking him as a puppet with strings, completely in his hands.

Duan Tianya ignored the reporters, frowned and strode into the building.

the reporters still wanted to chase after him, but the security guard came forward to stop him.

Duan Tianya walked into the elevator. Wen Li was about to report today's schedule when his cell phone rang. He turned down the volume and answered the phone: "Hello!"

"I've arranged a secretary for you. When we get to Shengtian later, you can arrange it." Kim Jae-hee is in a completely commanding tone.

"Yeah, got it."

Tianya has no right to refuse. Now everything about him is in the hands of Kim Jae-hee. He wants him to live. He wants him to die. He has no room to refuse.

however, he won't let that old thing get arrogant for too long, and then find a way to get rid of him when he really gets Yue's assets.

"first lay the groundwork for the divorce, and when I have arranged it, you will be ready to go through the formalities."

Kim Jae-hee told him again, "all right, get busy."

then he hung up the phone.

Duan Tianya was very aggrieved. Yesterday, he sent some bodyguards, and now he sent a secretary, just to spy on him.

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unfortunately he still has to accept it obediently.

"Night boss, do you really want to divorce Miss Leng" Wen Li plucked up her courage and tried to ask, "how can you have such a good relationship"... "

"this is not the topic for you to discuss." Duan Tianya glanced at her coldly.

Wen Li bowed her head and dared not speak any more. She just returned to the office and sent a message to Leng Qianxue explaining the current situation.

halfway north of the mountain, Leng Qianxue woke up from the nightmare and immediately got up to take a bath and change clothes, ready to go out to find Chen Chen and Longlong.

waiting beside him with indifference, he comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Miss Leng. There is no news from Brother Gang right now. Why don't you sleep a little longer and we'll go again when he has news from him"

"I can't just sit back and wait for death. I'm counting on cold steel. I have to figure it out myself."

Leng Qianxue just had a dream that the two children had been tortured so much that the mother's heart was so wrenched that she could no longer sit down. . Seven

"but you are now." Indifference was about to speak when Leng Qianxue's cell phone rang, and she hurriedly answered, "Hello, Jiang Dong."

"Qianxue, are you really going to divorce Night Manager"

"divorce" Leng Qianxue frowned, "what's going on"

"there are rumors of divorce everywhere. Look at the news." Jiang Dong warned, "now there is a large transfer of personnel in the company, and many strangers have been inserted. If it goes on like this, Yue Shi will really fall into the hands of others. Do something quickly."

"I see. I'll look at the materials first." Leng Qianxue frowned and said, "I will think of a way as soon as possible, and then contact you and Uncle Sam."

"he may have been watched and no one can be contacted, and now I am at my wit's end. I see, would you like to contact your husband" Ask him for advice "

it was only because there was nothing he could do about it that Jiang Dong made this unkind request.he most dazzling star.can be favored by the night thrill, is the ultimate dream of countless rich and famous socialites, they want to marry into the night family all their lives, and become the night...