Chapter 1546-DNA Testing

her family, Xiao Yueyue!Feng Qianxue felt excited and rushed over with a mop."three treasures!" When Chen Chen saw his sister crying, he hurried forward and shouted angrily to the night shock, "Let g...everyone finally quieted down. Now, the most prestigious person here is Lao Jiang.

he not only has prestige, but also does things fairly, and everyone is willing to listen to him.

"Don't listen to the fact that wind is rain. If you have anything, please explain it clearly before you verify it."

Old Jiang has some discomfort in his heart. When he speaks, he still covers his heart and looks at Leng Qianxue in the hope that she can give a reasonable response.

however, before Leng Qianxue opened his mouth, Night Thunder made a pre-emptive strike: "since someone from the hospital is coming soon, they are going to give me a blood test, as well as mine and the child's." When the

sentence came out, everyone agreed, "Yes, it's best to check it. If there's no problem, we apologize. If there's a problem, then."

"then return the assets and shares to the night boss and get out of the night house!"

Leng Qianxue looked coldly at "Thunder at Night". He not only failed to stop it, but also met her eyes provocatively.


"Night Thunder" obviously froze, completely did not expect, Leng Qianxue unexpectedly dare to hit him …...


at this time, Leng Qianxue is like an angry lioness, eyes full of anger, hands clenched into fists, eager to strangle "Night Thunder"!

she can deal with any despicable tricks calmly, but when it comes to children, she wants to eat people!

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then the door of the conference room opens and the bodyguard pushes Yamori in.

"Uncle Sam!"

another justice advocate came, the fire of war was temporarily extinguished, and a group of people gathered around Yamamori.

"Uncle Sen, some people suspect that Leng Qianxue poisoned Night Manager, making him seriously ill. We have called someone from Taiji Hospital to come over."

"I know." Nomori made a quiet gesture and said in a low voice, "I already knew the situation on the way here."

"that." Yamamori looked up at "Thunder of the Night", then looked at Leng Qianxue, and said calmly, "Blood harmony must be tested!"

although she has won the trust of Nakamori and Chiang Kai-shek before, they will choose to be cautious when it comes to the blood of their children.

what's more, they don't know that the Night Thunder is a fake. Nomori continued, "I and Lao Jiang, Ye Quan, Lao Qin Lao Ma, five people, accompanied by the inspection, the others are waiting here."

everyone nodded repeatedly. Yamori opened his eyes and said in a low voice, "Ye's blood is of great importance. I can't be sorry to the old man under the nine springs!"ed the night thunder, but raised his cell phone and asked with a smile, "what else do you want to do" Please tell me, and I'll do it right away. ""this."for a moment, the directors froze and did not k...