Chapter 1504-It's Strange

r the surveillance video, I'll have to call the police and let the police get it. ""you." Principal Huang suddenly panicked. She thought that everyone would be as afraid of the power of the family as..."Daddy, have a good rest." Chen Chen said a word of concern, and then said to Leng Qianxue, "Mommy, you are free to go to the hospital to see the three treasures."

"how are the three treasures" Leng Qianxue hurriedly asked, "did I talk to you today"

"she always says she's afraid. When I ask her what she's afraid of, she cries and doesn't know." Chen Chen was very distressed. "when we left just now, she kept crying for her mommy."

"Mommy will go to the hospital soon." Leng Qianxue said hurriedly, "all right, you go back to your room first."

"mm-hmm." Chen Chen bowed his head to the night thunder and turned to leave.

"what's going on with Sanbao" The night thunderbolt asks.

"after the last fire, Sanbao was scared." Leng Qianxue said, went to the dressing room to change clothes, "I told you in the car before."

Night Thunder wants to follow, but when he gets up, the wound on his body hurts, and his movement slows down. By the time he walks over, Leng Qianxue has changed his clothes.

"you have a good rest at home. I'm going to the hospital."

Leng Qianxue rolls up her long hair.

"I'll go with you." Night Thunder immediately said, "Sanbao is also my child. She is sick. I am very worried."

"I know you are worried about Sanbao, but you are not in good health now. You should have more rest." Leng Qianxue held his face and said, "now there are a lot of things waiting for us to deal with at home and outside. You should take care of yourself early and solve the problem with me."


"all right, I have to go." Leng Qianxue kissed him on the forehead and hurriedly left. "go and take a bath. Rong Ma will bring the food later."

the night thrill looked at the back of her departure, and his eyes gradually grew cold.

when the footsteps were gone and he was alone in the room, he looked around as if he were examining something, and then he went into the bathroom.

Leng Qianxue let indifference stay at home and went to the hospital with Leng Bing and some waitresses.

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the car was driven halfway north of the mountain when it met cold steel and other people who came to meet.

both sides stopped, and Lenggang got out of the car and asked, "have you taken that man back"

"you mean Night Manager" Lengbing glanced at Leng Qianxue and advised Lenggang in a low voice, "Brother Gang, now Miss Leng and the Night Manager are officially married, no matter how the previous two families hold a grudge, we should respect the Night Manager in the future."

"I didn't mean that." Leng Gang frowned slightly and hesitated to speak.

"what's wrong" Leng Qianxue saw his mind, "Let's get in the car first."


Leng Bing drove, let other female bodyguards change cars, Lenggang sat on the copilot.

the party went to the hospital while discussing in the car.

"Miss Leng, don't you think this night is always a little strange" Lenggang still couldn't help asking, "when I slipped into the ward, he was actually awake. When he saw me, he was obviously a little shocked and a little flustered."

"did you meet him" Leng Qianxue immediately asked.

"just hit it face to face." Lenggang frowned and said, "it was only two or three seconds, but in those two or three seconds, his reaction was very strange."

he recalled carefully and analyzed, "although I haven't seen Mr. Night many times, I remember him as a man who is used to seeing the world."

even if something happens, Mount Tai is the first to collapse and does not change color.

but when he saw me, he was a little stunned and panicked. In short, I thought something was wrong. "

hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was silent. After a moment, she asked, "did you just meet each other" Didn't you say anything "

"No, I was about to speak when a doctor came in and I had to slip out of the window." Leng Gang said solemnly, "judging from the security preparations of that hospital, it is absolutely prepared!" Next tois Hua Xiaofu's backpack.Hua Xiaofu put on his clothes, took out his cell phone from his backpack, called William, and sure enough prompted to turn it off.she called Robin right away, and it t...