Chapter 1493-Criticism Meeting

t all, but bowed his head and said nothing.Kim Yun-hee understood that they said they didn't need too many people, they didn't need her, not including Leng Qianxue."then I'll go first. See you later."...because of the support of cold steel, they are more confident and indifferent.

especially Lengbing, she knew very well that Lengdi Feng must have sent Lenggang to help in advance. Although he always said it coldly, he was silently guarding Leng Qianxue behind him.

A press conference with more than an hour's notice gathered the well-known media currently in Haicheng in a short time.

strangely, as if everyone were ready, the media, which were not in Haicheng at all, arrived at the Night Group within an hour.

such a large conference room, full of seats, all reporters, photographers, are looking forward to the arrival of Leng Qianxue.

Leng Qianxue put on a light makeup, changed into a valiant white slimming suit, and calmly came to the meeting.

all of a sudden, all the cameras pointed at her and kept taking pictures.

Leng Qianxue sat on the presidium, with no one else sitting around, because this time the public opinion was aimed at her personal problems, and it was inconvenient for both Yamamori and Jiang Dong to attend.

can only watch this scene nervously in the office through surveillance video.

"excuse me, should I call you Mr. Leng or Mrs. Night"

I don't know which media asked a question directly, with a touch of sarcasm in its tone.

"since I'm in the company, let's call it Mr. Leng." Leng Qianxue looked up at the reporter and said sharply, "you are Deng Jie, a reporter from Haicheng Metropolis Daily, right"

"Uh..." The reporter froze, unexpectedly that Leng Qianxue could recognize him and call out his name. Although the photographer behind him had the logo of Haicheng Metropolis newspaper, his name was not written out.

he glanced down at the work card on his chest and didn't write his name.

"if I remember correctly, your company issued an online press release questioning my husband's whereabouts, right"

Leng Qianxue knows very well that this formal official media will not say anything at will, but every time he speaks, he will find a high-sounding reason, as if to uphold justice.

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"Yes." The reporter quickly recovered from the consternation and asked righteously, "not long ago, the Night General Manager held a press conference to announce his marriage, but on the wedding day, he did not invite the media, and then he was directly cut off.

now, we suddenly received the news that Night was killed in the fire, which is really shocking. Do you have anything to explain about this"

"Why should I explain this to you" Leng Qianxue asked, "do I need to explain to you about my family"

"when Mr. Leng said that, he felt a little guilty." The reporter was adamant.

"it is."

immediately, other media began to question the death of Night Thunder-

"the security of the night house has always been watertight, and there are 18 bodyguards around the night manager at any time. Why is there a fire Even if there is a fire, why is he the only one killed in the fire This is so weird. "

is it true that the fire is rumored to have something to do with Leng Zong

"and, oh, why is there something wrong with the night boss, and the group will leave it to you to manage Isn't it the direct responsibility of the direct subordinate "

"rumor has it that Night Manager transferred all his assets and shares to you before the accident This is even more bizarre, just like the kind of insurance for the husband, not long after the husband had an accident, all the insurance money went to the wife's pocket. "

"Yeah, it's weirder than a TV show."


Leng Qianxue just said a word and was attacked and questioned by the following hundreds of media at the same time. She had no chance to refute it at all, waiting for these questions to boil up in the venue, and the atmosphere became more and more stiff.

does not seem to be a press conference, but to condemn the criticism of Leng Qianxue.e silently.the two bigwigs face each other, and the atmosphere seems a little cold.Leng Di Feng keeps his eyes down to make tea. His tea skill is very good. His hands are white and slender, which are...