Chapter 121: A family reunion?

used to it here, it's normal." Leng Qianxue hurriedly appeased way, "after all, it is just here, there must be some inadaptability."after thinking about it, she said, "I'll tell you what, Mommy will t..."what do you want" Feng Qianxue frowned and looked at him. "at best, I'll pay you back. You gave me a total of more than one hundred thousand." I'll give it back to you! "

"just pay the money back What about my people " Night Thunder slowly came to her with cold eyes. "you can fight if you want, scold if you want, sleep if you want, and make a clean break after sleep."

"Don't mess around!" The wind and snow retreated hurriedly, "if you touch me again, I'll call the police!"

"I'm the one who should call the police." Night Thunder said coldly, "No matter who watched last night's video, they will believe that I am the victim!"

"you son of a bitch!" The anger of the wind and snow is unforgivable. "did you deliberately film it and threaten me"

"." Night Thunder felt speechless about her brain circuit. "what do you think I can threaten you"

"you." The words of the wind and snow stopped for a moment, and it seemed that she was right, she had already got it, she was looking for money, everyone knew that she was poor and could not squeeze out the money.


then suddenly there was a doorbell outside, and the wind and snow startled me.

Night Zhenting went to open the door. She thought he was going to touch her and hurriedly huddled up in the corner.

he pressed her head with one hand to keep her from running, and opened the door with the other.

"Night." The female doctor at the door almost called out the title of "King of the Night" and quickly changed her mouth, "Hello, sir. I'm a personal doctor invited by the manager."

"come in." Night Thunder pointed to the wind and said, "the wounds of the neck and left shoulder, check and deal with them."

"Yes." The female doctor looked like she was in her forties, dressed in doctor's clothes and carrying a medical kit, in awe.

"what's going on"

Feng Qianxue was still confused, so he sat down on the sofa by Night Thunder. "you stay calm and wait for the doctor to take care of your wound, and I will take you home!"

when Feng Qianxue heard what he said, he immediately cooperated obediently.

the female doctor squatted on the ground to treat her wound and re-bandaged it with medicine: "Miss Feng, your wound is a little inflamed. Now I'll initially deal with it for you. You have to take anti-inflammatory medicine today. If the wound is still getting worse tomorrow morning, you will go to the hospital."

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"got it, thank you." Feng Qianxue nodded thanks.

the female doctor left her some anti-inflammatory medicine, respectfully saluted the night thrill, and then left.

"Why is she so respectful to you" The wind and snow are confused.

"if you give money, you are my uncle!" Night Thunder dressed in front of her.

"what are you doing Can you be more careful " The wind and snow hurriedly turned away.

"your clothes are in the wardrobe. Go and change them yourself." Night Thunder reminds me, "of course, you can go home in a hotel nightgown if you want."

Feng Qianxue glared at him and took out the clothes in the wardrobe and went to the bathroom to change.

A comfortable white dress and a new set of sterilized underwear, which she tried to wear, fit perfectly, almost as if they were tailor-made for her.

this dress is very comfortable on the upper body and convenient to wear.

"are you ready" Night Thunder asked outside the door.

"all right." The wind and snow pushed the door out, "whose clothes are these" I'm just dressed, it fits me well, and the material is so comfortable. "

"nonsense, of course I bought it for you!"

Night Throne rubbed her wet hair, sat her down in front of the dresser, and then took out a hair dryer to blow her hair.

Feng Qianxue sat obediently, looking at himself in the mirror, and then looking at the man behind him, with a warm current in his heart.

actually, if you look at it from another angle, this duck is pretty good.

pay off her debt dutifully. Every time she has something to do, he is always on call. Knowing that her wound is getting worse, he immediately secretly arranges a doctor for her. Even a change of clothes is ready.

if his career is not a duck, maybe a family reunion is also a good choice.. In an hour, if my body temperature hasn't dropped, call me again.""so you can sleep"Leng Xiao looked at the room full of people, the bright lights, and frowned.however, Hua Xiaofu, holding the pillo...