Chapter 1294-A powerful opponent

and burst into tears."Sanbao, Mommy won't let anything happen to you."Leng Qianxue trembled and picked up the moon and took out a bottle of potion to feed it."Miss Leng, what are you doing" Leng Bing...Leng Qianxue looks at the appearance of cold eagerness, the mood is a little complicated unavoidably, the person in love, no matter how to hide, also cannot hide the emotion in the heart …...

just like her and Night Thunder.

but now she has accepted her fate.

she stopped fighting, stopped taking the initiative, and even when he took a step towards her, she would step back.

even if she still has him in her heart, she must suppress that feeling.

Don't let anyone know.

"Miss Leng, how are you" Lengbing eagerly looked at Leng Qianxue.

"you go and buy it. I'll stay here with Dr. Hua." Leng Qianxue finally said, "I'll give you a holiday tonight and come back tomorrow morning."

"I." Leng Bing suddenly panicked and hurriedly changed his tune. "I want to go around with you. You don't want to go, and I won't go. I'll accompany you."

"go as soon as you are told." Leng Qianxue glared at her and was about to speak when her cell phone suddenly rang. She took it out and saw that it was a strange number. She hesitated for a moment, then answered, "Hello!"

"Miss Leng, this is Kim Yun-hee. May I have a meeting with you"

this gentle voice came with an inexplicable friendliness.

for some reason, Leng Qianxue is not disgusted with Jin Yunxi. According to reason, having seen Ling Yun Chu Zihan and Demi's hypocrisy, Leng Qianxue now has an instinctive sense of vigilance and already knows how to know people.

but from the first time she met Kim Yun-hee, she felt that this girl was different from those she knew before.

"how do you know my number" Leng Qianxue asked a rhetorical question.

"if you want to know, you must know." Kim Yun-hee smiled and said, "the last time I met at the Royal Club in Paris, I was very impressed by you. I think you haven't forgotten me, have you"

hearing this, Leng Qianxue narrowed her eyes slightly. What a powerful woman, she had found out her identity so quickly and came directly to her door.

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"of course not." Soon, Leng Qianxue calmed down and replied with a smile, "Thank you for lending us your swimsuit last time!"

"how about Ginza Restaurant at eight o'clock tonight" Kim Yun-hee asked respectfully.


Leng Qianxue was gladly invited, and her curiosity was aroused. She really wanted to know what Kim Yun-hee wanted to do when looking for her.

"see you tonight!" Kim Yun-hee hung up the phone.

Leng Qianxue held her cell phone and frowned slightly, her eyes were complicated and unspeakable.

Leng Bing looked at her cell phone and asked questioningly, "Last time in the royal clubhouse, our identities were well hidden. Only the Duke of Louis, the nightmaster, and Ma Dong knew. How could she know about you"

"as she said, if she wanted to know, she would know." Leng Qianxue said faintly, "the Jin family has been in its heyday in recent years and has strength to be reckoned with in the business community. It is not impossible for her to give some benefits and convince Ma Dong."

"but what does she want with you" Cold frown frowned, "do you want to challenge face to face"

"Oh!" Leng Qianxue smiled, "what's the challenge" We have no interests. "

"Why not She is your rival in love. " He blurted out coldly, and then he wondered, "No, didn't they go to see her" Why did she ask you out "

"this shows that Night Thunder is not going to see her." Leng Qianxue gave himself half a cup of tea and said faintly, "this Kim Yun-hee, if he becomes an enemy, is more difficult to deal with than any woman before!"

"Why" Leng Bing can not see her strength, "because of her family background"

"more than that." Leng Qianxue lowered her eyes, and her eyes were complex. "although she is not in deep contact now, I always think she is wiser than any woman I have ever known."... "rowned and reminded, "if it's anyone else, it's okay to say that he's a night man. Once your husband knows about it, you're both dead!"she is reminding indifference as well as herself.however, compare...