Chapter 112 Reviews For 112

ties."Dabao Erbao was not asleep when I came out, and I don't know how the two children are doing now."Mama Zhu fed water to Yueyue and didn't forget to worry about her two children."they will take ca...Feng Qianxue looked at the "debt-paying duck" in front of him. He felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

he is right. She asked him to pretend to be his boyfriend. Naturally, he has to act like a boyfriend. Now he acts too much, and she blames others.

it is now completely certain that Night Thunder is not a "debt-paying duck"!

just now she watched him get into the car with her own eyes, and now the "debt-paying duck" is by her side. No matter how it is arranged, it is impossible to be separated.

but even though the two are standing together now, she still feels very similar.

but it's just the same. She was thinking too much before.

"Why are you so dumbfounded" The debt-paying Duck knocked on the forehead of Feng Qianxue, opened the door of the car and protected her head with his hand. "get in the car!"

"Qianxue's boyfriend is so gentle and considerate."

Feng Qianxue got on the bus amid the admiration of his colleagues.

Duck's cell phone is vibrating. He glances at the caller ID and smiles around the corner of his eye, but he doesn't answer the phone.

"Qianxue, can I get a ride" Shen Yun leaned over and asked.

"of course, there's room for three more people in the back." Feng Qianxue warmly invited, "get in the car."

"OK, thank you." Shen Yun pulled the other two female colleagues into the car, and did not forget to tell the other colleagues, "you can drive another car and meet at night."


Aston Martin drove out like the wind.

Today, "debt Duck" drives very fast and fiercely, making use of almost every available space to keep overtaking.

"slow down." The wind and snow remind me.

"this is not pleasant either." The debt-paying duck came over vaguely and said, "you are so beautiful."

"did you find out on the first day" Feng Qianxue gave him a white glance, leaned to his ear and whispered, "colleagues let you treat, later you are more enthusiastic, I will reimburse the money."

"reimbursement" The debt-paying duck seems to be new to the word.

"I don't mind if you want to pay for it yourself." Feng Qianxue immediately said, "anyway, it's easier for you to make money than me."

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"ha, interesting." The debt-paying duck laughed.

"Why are you acting weird today" Feng Qianxue frowned and looked at him. "I've never seen you smile before. Are you so happy today"

"of course I'm happy to be your boyfriend!" The debt-paying duck came over vaguely, and the sexy thin lips in her ear asked, "aren't you happy"

"stop it!" Feng Qianxue's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Tut-tut-tut, we started to show our love in front of us. Should we avoid it"

the female colleague in the back seat joked.

"I knew I wouldn't rub against the car. This kilowatt light bulb shines so brightly, ."

"Let's close our eyes quickly and pretend we didn't see anything." Shen Yun also joked.

"he's not usually like this." The wind and snow smiled awkwardly.

at this time, the debt-paying duck's cell phone rang again. He glanced at the wind and snow and answered the phone with his Bluetooth headset: "Hello!"

"you seem to be carried away!" The cold voice of the night came.

"Yes, I'm picking up my girlfriend from work." The inappropriate response of "debt repayment Duck".

"if you touch her, you're dead!" The voice of the night thunderous was vaguely angry.

"Hey, hey." The debt-paying Duck smiled badly and said in front of the wind and snow, "are you nervous so soon" Didn't you say it was just a game "

Wind Qianxue listens strangely. Who is he talking to on the phone

is it the rich woman who gave him this car

"Tianya!" The anger of the night can no longer be hidden.

"OK, OK, I know, don't worry."

stop Tianya in time before you get angry at night.

"get out early when the play is over!" Night Thunder warning.

"got it!" Tianya hung up the phone and winked at the wind and snow. as beautiful as her mother-in-law's." Feng Qianxue brought the piggy bag to the table, a little embarrassed, "it seems to be out of shape.""Yes, Piglet's nose is missing." Yueyue looked at the deform...