Chapter 1222-The traces on the body

o work hard in Shengtian, become a regular worker as soon as possible, and strive for development opportunities. Even if she loses the financial support of the "debt-paying duck" in the future, she wi...Night Thunder is really angry this time and wants to completely cut off Leng Qianxue's contact.

made it impossible for her to find her child.

Leng Qianxue felt a panic in her heart. She knew how wonderful the night thrill was and really offended him. She might never see the child for the rest of her life.

what should I do

what should I do

Leng Qianxue is walking around the room, flustered and upset.

Miss Leng! At this time, Leng Bing came back and reported anxiously, "the child was taken away by the night house."

"I already know." Leng Qianxue frowned and looked at her.

Leng Bing was injured and probably fought with the Night Army, but the Night Army was polite and didn't do it harshly. She just suffered a skin wound.

"the night army first coaxed the children to play together. When I gave the children a drink without paying attention, the children fell asleep, and they directly took the children away."

I realized at that time that something was wrong and wanted to rob him, but I couldn't beat him. By the time Brother Gang came, their men had already taken the children away. They had a large number of hands, and Brother Gang said he couldn't do it by force. "

told the story coldly and shamefully, "if your subordinates are unfavorable, please punish Miss Leng."

"none of your business." Leng Qianxue sighed, "it's all my fault. I shouldn't have a problem at this juncture."... "

"do you always do this at night because of your fury about Louis" Coldly and cautiously asked, "how's the conversation going"

"what else can I do They all fired their guns. " Indifference whispered, "if the old duke hadn't arrived in time and bowed and apologized, the night manager would have gone on a killing spree today."

"he's going to freak out with that temper." Lengbing also frowned. "it's all my fault. I should have stayed with Miss Leng last night, and that wouldn't have happened."

"I had a fight with A Hai just now." Indifferent to think of A Hai angry, "I want to protect Miss Leng, he has been dragging me, I fought with him."

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"I just met Ye Hui and didn't even get a chance to talk." Leng Bing was a little lost. "Oh, how did it happen like this"... "

indifference winked at her and motioned to her to stop.

Leng Qianxue had a lot on his mind and was very depressed.

"Miss Leng, don't worry too much." Leng Bing comforted, "even if the night manager has a problem with you, the children will miss you when they wake up. If they want to contact you, the night manager can't stop it."

"you guys go out. I want to be alone." The cold snow covered her forehead.

"Yes." He nodded coldly and hesitated to speak.

"anything else" Asked Leng Qianxue.

"I just asked someone to buy this." Lengbing took out a box of contraceptive afterwards, blushed and handed it to Leng Qianxue and whispered, "now that it has happened, we can only admit it, but I think you don't want to get pregnant unexpectedly."... "

Leng Qianxue frowned and then threw it away angrily: "I really don't understand, how could I. I don't remember it at all! "

"but on you." Leng Bing dared not go on.

in fact, cold and indifferent do not want to believe this fact, but Leng Qianxue has so many traces that it really looks like that.

"No." Leng Qianxue became more and more unwilling to think about it, and said to indifference, "go and get Louis, and I'll ask him carefully."

"Huh" Cold and wide-eyed, "call here"

"as soon as I ask you to go." Drink low in cold snow.

"Yes." Indifference had to call someone.

Louis was in the room discussing with his parents about having a child at night when there was a knock at the door, and then he told him, "Little Duke, cold, Miss Leng asks you to come to her room."

"really Qianxue asked me to go to her room " Louis was overjoyed. "I'll be right there."heir father, they will leave a shadow for the rest of their lives."(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []) .ush ({});"Yes, a child cannot live without a father." Mother Rong cried and begged."it doesn...