Chapter 1194-Stand still

t are you doing" Night thrill frowned, "Don't you still want to inspect the project base""I have to go with her. I'll go first. See you later."Duke Louis chased him out in a hurry.Night Thunder frowne..."I really underestimated her."

the Duchess became angrier and angrier as she thought about it. At this age, she had never suffered such grievances, let alone from her future daughter-in-law.

"that. What shall we do now " Demi asked tentatively.

the Duchess sipped her coffee gracefully and looked up with another face: "that sounds like I'm fighting my future daughter-in-law."

"Uh..." Demi froze and didn't know how to answer.

"the last time that kid got lost, it was really our fault. If I knew, it would be difficult for me to explain." The Duchess solemnly ordered, "so, these days, you must be honest to me, do not make any more mistakes."

"Yes." The waitresses bowed their heads.

"be polite to the cold family, especially those children, and Dr. Hua, you must respect it." The Duchess warned solemnly, "not to be offended, including those two cold and indifferent girls, do you understand"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Don't do anything lately." The Duchess told Demi, "just take care of your cousin."

"Yes." Demi nodded.

at the same time, Leng Qianxue had lunch and went to the garden to visit Sibao with indifference. He was also caught in the rain yesterday and is said to have some colds now.

"that was a relief." Seeing that there was no one around, he could not help whispering, "the Duchess was so angry that she could not say a word, and her face was blue and blue."

"what are you talking about" Leng Qianxue frowned. "I'm not against her. I'm just talking about what happened and being reasonable with her."

"Yes. Yes." Indifference nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, "We Miss Leng are the most reasonable."

Leng Qian Xuebai glanced at her and asked quite casually, "have you contacted A Hai recently"

"Huh" Hearing this question, his indifference instantly darkened and said sadly, "I have made two phone calls since I returned home, and I have been cut off directly since I came to Bordeaux."

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at this point, she became indignant again, "dog man, just ignore me. I don't have to. I'll just find a new one."

"did he lose touch with you" Leng Qianxue asked doubtfully, "what's going on"

"I don't know." The indifferent voice was sour, "maybe the night boss won't let him get in touch with me, or maybe he has a new love."

"A Hai is not that kind of person."

Leng Qianxue's brow frowned, and she began to realize that something might have really happened to Night Thunder.

in order not to let her know, he disconnected Ah Hai from indifference.

"then why did he ignore me Even the phone has been changed. " The more indifferent he said, the more aggrieved he became. "I thought I would ask my husband for advice for him, but he flinched first."

"Don't be paranoid."

Leng Qianxue patted her on the shoulder and went to the place where Sibao lived.

the attendant was giving medicine to Sibao, who was supposed to be built, lying in the study and not bothering to move.

but when he saw Leng Qianxue, he flew over immediately.

Leng Qianxue raised her hand and let Sibao fall on it. Looking at its haggard appearance, she felt a little distressed, gently stroked its feathers and gently told: "have a good rest at home these days and get better soon."

"Goo goo, goo goo."

Sibao called meekly for a few times, and then his head stroked against the distant woods.

"what's there" Leng Qianxue turned around and looked at the woods and immediately told her, "go and have a look."

"Yes." Indifference took people to check. More than half an hour later, she came back with a rabbit to report, "Miss Leng, I found nothing but this."

"as long as it's all right, you have to be careful these days."

"got it."nything, shares, assets, even the position of the owner of the night. I can give you anything you want."because I love you, but also because we have three lovely children!when I realized that I was se...