Chapter 1179-Facilitate it as soon as possible

te you -""Hmm" The man squinted and stared at her dangerously. "you can't be..." Are you pregnant "Feng Qianxue paused in vain, flashed the figure of three babies in his head, and scolded in his heart..."all right, let's not talk about him." Louis changed the subject and sandwiched a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus lotus root to Leng Qianxue. "Qianxue, try this again."

"can you still do this"

Leng Qianxue is surprised. Few people know that she likes to eat this.

"I asked Yueyue what mommy likes to eat, and she said she liked it, so I went to learn it." Louis smiled and looked at the cold snow.

"you don't know, it's hard to buy good lotus roots and sweet-scented osmanthus in Paris. I had them shipped from Sioux City. After learning it many times, I can finally get it out of hand."

Leng Qianxue tasted a piece and nodded again and again: "well, it's delicious."

"I'm glad you like it." Louis was very happy. "I just think you like to eat wine balls, and you've been learning lately."

"Thank you, Louis." Leng Qianxue was a little moved.

"We're all getting married, and I deserve to do this for you." Louis looked at her gently. "as long as you're happy, I'm happy."

Leng Qianxue lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Qianxue, don't move."

Louis found a stain on Leng Qianxue's face and wiped it for her with a wet towel.

Leng Qianxue stopped and sat quietly.

under the light, her side face was beautiful and moving, and Louis couldn't help getting close to her.

Leng Qianxue reacted and subconsciously avoided, but Louis's lips still touched her cheek.

both of them froze.

then, Leng Qianxue retreated like an electric shock.

Louis's face flushed to his ears and he was very nervous.

Leng Qianxue frowned slightly and moved aside.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Louis, nervous and incoherent, got up and left.

Leng Qianxue looked at him in a panic and looked at the rich lunch on the table. His mood was very mixed.

outside, a waitress saw Duke Louis running out of Leng Qianxue's room in a panic, and hurriedly went back to her room to call the Duchess to report the situation.

"how long has he been in there" Asked the Duchess hastily.

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"I remember the time outside, eleven minutes." The waitress said.

"so soon" The Duchess was very surprised. "so, was she neatly dressed when she came out"

"the clothes are neat." The waitress said, "I don't think my hair is messy, but my face is red and she looks very nervous."... "

hearing these words, the Duchess was a little disappointed: "all right, you keep staring."


hung up the phone, and the Duchess sighed deeply: "probably not."

"but according to the maid, there should be someone close to her." Demi smiled and said, "it's something to gain."

"they have been in touch with each other for so long, and now they are about to get married. What is the harvest of a little closeness" The Duchess said angrily, "besides, the boy blushed nervously just by getting close, indicating that the two were not very close at all."

Demi bowed her head and dared not speak any more.

"I don't think that woman likes Louis at all. She just wants to take advantage of Louis." The more the Duchess thought about it, the angrier she became. "Louis is stupid and wishful thinking!"

"actually, I can see that, too." Demi said carefully, "Miss Leng is very estranged from her cousin and seems to keep her distance from him on purpose."

"the two of them have been together for so long that they should have been cultivated by now, even if they had no feelings at first." The Duchess said angrily, "if she really doesn't like Louis so much, why did she agree to get married"

"I heard that my husband seems to be in a crisis." Said Demi softly.

"that seems to be the case." The Duchess frowned. "is it because she is in trouble that she finds a safe haven for the time being" If so, once the crisis is resolved, she will cancel the wedding. What about Louis "

"not necessarily, there is still more than a month to go before the wedding, maybe during this time, they will have a relationship." Demi calmed the way.

"so, I have to make this happen as soon as possible."ese words, Duan Tianya's brow frowned, his eyes twinkled, with a trace of uneasiness.he had suspected poisoning before. After all, when Leng Qianxue was tested in Shengtian, Leng Qianxue had no chance...