Chapter 1173-Can't Be Forced

dare you rob me of women "Chu Zimo got up from the ground, wiped the blood off his face, and came over with clenched teeth. He was about to attack the night thrill with a fist.Night Throne flashed hi..."it's normal for the Duchess to have this idea." Leng Qianxue is very objective. "Nobody wants his son to marry a nominal wife. Besides, the Louis family is royalty."

"this kind of thing can't be forced." Indifference wronged Leng Qianxue, "they also got a lot of benefits from marrying you. After their husband's name, the Louis family can walk sideways in the mall."

what's more, we didn't beg them to marry. You told Prince Louis that you had no love for him, but he cried and begged to marry you. He was in a hurry to put it into practice before he got married. What are you talking about having grandchildren and treating you like something "

Leng Qianxue glared at her.

he kept his mouth shut and dared not speak, but he was still unconvinced.

"says it is at peace with the rest of the world, but I don't think so." Leng Bing could not help saying, "maybe they are at peace with the world in order to save face in the royal family."

"that's true." Leng Qianxue smiled bitterly. "in fact, Louis is the only one who is really at peace with the world."

she has long seen that the Louis family is not that simple.

"I don't think that Demi is simple either." A cold, sarcastic sneer. "I just noticed that the Duchess stared at you when she gave you a present."... "

Leng Bing thought about it and then described it, "with a kind of longing and loss."

"Yes, your description is very accurate." Leng Qianxue nodded approvingly.

"what do you mean" Indifference did not understand, "what desire, what loss"

"the desire for power, status and identity, the unattainable loss." Cold added, "indifference, give you a task."

"what" Indifference sounds as if it doesn't understand.

"find a chance to inquire about the relationship between that Amy and the Duke of Louis." Said Lengbing in a low voice.

"Don't you mean cousin" Apathy blurted out.

"cousins also have relatives and other generations, and the royal family doesn't seem to care about this kind of intergenerational consanguinity, maybe."

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Leng Bing observed Leng Qianxue's face and said cautiously, "although the Duke of Louis is not like the kind of person who thinks differently, he can't keep other people's thoughts."

"got it." Indifference suddenly realized, "Don't worry, leave this to me."

"the most important thing now is the safety of the children, and don't worry too much about anything else." Leng Qianxue said lightly, "do you understand"

"Don't worry, Miss Leng." Cold confidence, "that kind of small potatoes, we can just go along with it."

"all right, go to bed early."

Leng Qianxue put down her coffee cup and got up to leave.

the cold apathy immediately caught up.

came upstairs and Leng Qianxue happened to see Louis coming out of his mother's room.

Louis explained awkwardly: "Qianxue, don't pay too much attention to what my mommy said just now. I just talked about her."

"it doesn't matter, I understand." Leng Qianxue said softly, "is the lady asleep"

"mm-hmm." Louis nodded. "you should go to bed early, too. It's late."

"good." Leng Qianxue walked into the room.

"Thousand Snow." Louis called her, and Leng Qianxue looked back at him. "Hmm"

"it's all right. Good night." Louis looked at her gently.

"good night." Leng Qianxue smiled at him and closed the door.

all this was seen by Demi, but she said nothing and went straight into her room.

the other side of the corridor, watching this scene coldly, the corners of his lips show a cynical arc to see when you show the fox's tail.

Leng Qianxue returned to his room and soaked in the bathtub, thinking of what the Duchess had just said and Louis's hot eyes.

she thinks that since she no longer thinks about love, it's okay to marry Louis for the sake of the big picture, but now she knows that there are some things she really can't force.ven more excited when he saw Hua Xiaofu injured. "you are really a good man. It seems that I misunderstood you. You are really protecting these children!""you might as well shoot me with one shot!"Hua...