Chapter 1157-Three Little People

n the gorgeous light.those eyes are as deep as the sea, even in such a dim light, they are still full of spirit!he held out his hand to her, and she froze.did not respond, a strong hand pulled up the..."I can play." Erer inhaled snot and said earnestly, "I play the piano beautifully, aunt."


"she wants you to stop messing around now." The girl on the desk didn't look up and said, "my name is zero. Hello, aunt!"


Leng Qianxue can't laugh or cry, and the names of these three children are too easy to remember.

however, they are really cute, a bit like Yueyue when they were young, but their hair is naturally curly, and they have a lot of hair and look like mixed-race children, so they are more like dolls.

"these are all nicknames, but the big names haven't been chosen yet." Leng Xiao added.

"where's their mommy" Asked Leng Qianxue in a low voice.

"it's a long story." Leng Xiao seemed speechless. "Let's not say that, the special plane is ready. Sir, let me take you to the airport at 01:00 on time. Please, these three children."

"what's going on" Cold and confused, "it's 12:00 now. Are you leaving at 01:00"

"Yes." Leng Xiao nodded. "hurry up and ask someone to pack up your things. Sir, come back and tell you a few words. We are about to leave."

"when will my brother be back" Asked Leng Qianxue with a frown.

"it should be soon." Leng Xiao looked at his watch. "more than ten minutes at the most."

Leng Qianxue had to let Lengbing go back to arrange for someone to pack their bags, prepare their documents, and let them tell Chen Chen and Yueyue that they would leave for the airport at 01:00.

Lengbing immediately went back to get ready.

while waiting, Leng Qianxue sat on the sofa and chatted with the three little ones.

one by one is more clingy, get into the arms of Leng Qianxue, twittering to her non-stop.

22 is still fiddling with her piano, while Zero continues to write and draw on her desk.

Leng Qianxue

at this time, Lengdi hurried back, pushed open the door of his study, and saw three children. His always calm and calm expression became complicated, and his brow frowned tightly.

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when the three nipples saw the Leng Emperor's wind, they immediately ran to him.

holding the yogurt that had just opened the lid in her hand, she ran a few steps before she fell to the ground with a bang. The yogurt was spilled all over her face, and she stuck out her little tongue to lick the yogurt.

was fiddling with the piano, running with short legs and jumping into Leng Di's arms, hitting his handsome face with the score in his hand.

and the zero in front of the desk, holding a pen and papers covered with steel wire balls, ran over and was about to hold Daddy with his small hands covered with ink.

Daddy suddenly took the papers out of her hand, frowned and whispered, "who told you to doodle on this"

tens of billions of project books have been ruined by the little one.

"Daddy, you yelled at me."

with a shrunken mouth, he burst into tears.

the cry was very contagious, and suddenly one-one and two-two also began to cry, loud and clear, echoing in every corner of the study.

Leng Di Feng raised his hand and covered his forehead, feeling the pain in his brain.

"Little princesses, don't cry, don't cry."

Leng Xiao suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

"Baby, don't cry, aunt is here."

Leng Qianxue hurriedly coaxed the three children. first, she picked up the one by one lying on the ground, wiped the yogurt on her face with a wet towel, then took away the score from her second hand, and then took away the pen from her zero hand to wipe the ink off her hand.

finally encircled the three children in his arms and coaxed them with a smile: "Honey, my aunt's house is a beautiful castle, and there are little brothers and sisters to play with you. Do you want to go to your aunt's house"


the three little ones immediately raised their little hands and answered with one voice.e probably didn't want anyone to see her disfigured. We don't know her name, but her surname is Hua!"Leng Xiao's simple answer."Hua" Robin lowered his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something."w...