Chapter 1101-Changes in Month and Month

torm: "take good care of her.""Yes, Night King, don't worry."Lengbing and thunderstorm nodded again and again."increase security, I won't allow anything to happen again."Night Thunder commands the Nig...Leng Qianxue was very depressed when she heard these words. She knew that Dr. Hua was comforting her.

this hope is tantamount to not being given.

Gao Ting is still so young, it is a good time, but she has to spend it in a hospital bed.

everything can only be pinned on the unknown future.

her mother was seriously injured and became a vegetable and lay in a hospital bed for several years. Later, although she was lucky to be cured, she died less than a year later.

Leng Qianxue doesn't want Gao Ting's ending to be the same.

but there's nothing she can do now.

Doctor Hua is the best doctor in the world. If he says there is no other way, he really doesn't.

"Dr. Hua is right. As long as you live, there is hope." Instead, Zhang Xiaodong is more optimistic than Leng Qianxue. "I will take good care of her. When there is a breakthrough in medicine, she will wake up."

"Gao Ting was right about you at last."

Leng Qianxue looked at Zhang Xiaodong with great emotion in his heart.


Ten days later, Zhang Xiaodong returned to Haicheng with Gao Ting with this hope.

Leng Qianxue placed Gao Ting in the hospital of thunderstorm and asked Gao Ting to follow up Gao Ting's treatment comprehensively.

I hope that one day, Gao Ting can wake up and live the life she wants with Zhang Xiaodong.

the original time of returning home has been delayed for another half a month.

Leng Qianxue is going to wait until Yueyue's condition is completely stable and doesn't want her to suffer from long-distance bumps when she is ill.

this half month, Leng Qianxue is in the north of the Mid-levels to accompany the monthly treatment.

Chen Chen and long long are back, accompanying Yueyue every day to make her happy.

but after this incident, the originally lively and cheerful moon became silent.

she always looks out of the window silently in a daze, and sometimes asks Leng Qianxue, "Mommy, are there many bad guys in this world"


for a moment, Leng Qianxue did not know how to answer. She thought for a moment and said politely, "there are still many good people in this world."

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"Why is that aunt so bad" Yueyue can not understand, "her men have been kicking aunt's head, keep kicking, aunt in order to protect me, will become like this …..."

as she spoke, Yueyue's tears fell, but she didn't cry, but she just wept silently-

"if I were as powerful, as smart as Dabao, and as good at kung fu as Erbao, maybe I wouldn't have been caught and my aunt wouldn't have had an accident to protect me."

"No, Sanbao, it's none of your business." Leng Qianxue hurriedly appeased, "you are just a child."... "

"Dabao Erbao is as big as I am, but they never give my parents any trouble." Yueyue bowed her head dejectedly, "and I am either sick or don't scratch. I always give you trouble."

"Sanbao, silly boy, you can't think like that." Leng Qianxue, holding the little face of the moon, said anxiously, "you didn't cause any trouble to your parents, really."... "

"Mommy, don't worry." The moon raised a smiling face, in turn appeased Leng Qianxue, "I will be fine, I am fine, really …"... "

Leng Qianxue looked at Yueyue, distressed unceasingly, she knew that these events brought not only physical harm, but also psychological trauma.

Leng Qianxue invited a professional child psychologist to give tutoring to Yueyue.

after a period of treatment, Yueyue seems to be getting better, but compared with the past, she doesn't like to laugh.

however, she began to love learning.

she began to follow Chen Chen and long long to learn new knowledge. She also told long long that when she recovered from her illness, she would learn martial arts with him so that she could protect herself in the future.

Chen Chen and long long are glad to see such a change in the moon.

however, Leng Qianxue is very worried. She is worried that every month will leave a psychological shadow and become without sense of security.g.but now, if you have a vice president as your backer, things are different."the point is that the president is old and the vice president is likely to take over, and then the situation will not be r...