Chapter 1049-Three Treasures Crying for Beings

ked at himself in the mirror. "I'm in good shape""of course, you are the most physically fit man I know." Feng Qianxue flattered unequivocally, "even this kind of ordinary clothes can't hide your uniq...although it is difficult and dangerous to return to Leng's home, Leng Qianxue is still determined to take the children away.

she has made up her mind, even if she can't stay at home at that time.

she can also leave the country with her children and start a new life in a strange place.

in fact, Leng Difeng has protected her very well in the past two years. So far, she has not participated in all the family and group struggles.

so she can get out in the future.

"you are so stubborn." Night Thunder is about to be angry with her, is about to continue to persuade, at this time, his cell phone rang, he immediately answered the phone, "Hello!"

"Sir, the pops are dying." Yamori said anxiously, "come back soon."

"how did this happen" Night Thunder knew that the old man was not doing well, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He was in a hurry. "I'll be right back."

"wait a minute." At this time, the cell phone was taken away by the thunderstorm, "the Night King, when the old man was dying, said he wanted to see Miss Leng."

"want to see her"

Night Thunder is very unexpected. Isn't Don supposed to want to see the children at this time

"Young master, bring Miss Leng and the child quickly. Time is running out."

Nakamori urged anxiously.

"Yes, Night King, come back quickly." Thunderstorm also added.

Night Thunder hung up the phone and said anxiously to Leng Qianxue, "Don wants to see you. He's dying. I'm begging you. Take the child to the hospital with me. Can we talk about other things later"

"not good." Leng Qianxue was very determined. "if you sign this agreement, I'll take the child to the hospital with you. If you don't sign it, it's non-negotiable."



the two men were in a stalemate when the voice of long long was heard outside, "can we come in"

when Leng Qianxue heard the children's voices, she immediately sorted out her mood, winked at the night, and then opened the door: "Dabao, Erbao, Sanbao, what are you doing here" Didn't mommy tell you to wait for us in the study "

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when speaking to the children, Leng Qianxue's voice immediately became soft and there was a soft smile on his face.

"We are waiting to be in a hurry." Long long did not finish his words, when he saw the night thunder, he ran over, "Daddy!"

"Erbao!" The night thunder stooped to pick up the dragon.

"Daddy." Longlong hugged Night Thunder's neck tightly and could not help crying, "Daddy, what's the matter with you" What did you do wrong to make Mommy angry Apologize to Mommy quickly, or Mommy won't want you, and we won't see you. "

when he heard the child say these words, the eyes of the night thunderous suddenly became wet.

he really hates himself. Why did he make things like this why did he let the children go through so much with him

Why can't you manage a home well when the night thunder that calls the wind and rain in the shopping mall

"Daddy." Chen Chen pulled the trouser leg of the night thunder and asked anxiously, "what happened in the end" Please tell Dabao that Dabao will help you solve it. "

"I want my family to be together. I don't want to be apart. Woo-woo."

Yueyue couldn't help it. She sat in a wheelchair and began to cry with her puppet in her arms.

the three children cried together, and their hearts were confused, so they hurried forward to coax the children.

"Mommy, please forgive Daddy again, please." Longlong pulled Leng Qianxue's sleeve and cried and begged, "if Daddy bullies you again, I'll beat him for you."

"Mommy, please." The moon also holds Leng Qianxue's hand and prays.

"be good, stop crying." Night Zhenting hurriedly squatted down, hugged Yueyue, and then said to the three children, "Dabao, Erbao, Sanbao, Zeng Grandpa is critically ill. He wants to see Mommy and you on his deathbed. Would you like to go to the hospital with Daddy"news of your engagement to Miss Ling."... ""Don is so persistent." Night Thunder mocking sneer, "what if it's released" I won't. Can he still tie me up and get engaged ""but it's no good for you to ac...