Chapter 1002-Pushing the boat along the current

s cold!everything that you don't want to happen has already happened, reality can't be erased, and a lot of things can't go back.Leng Qianxue instantly regained consciousness and asked coldly, "what e...the old man at night watched the car disappear into the yard with a stream of smoke, and was even more uneasy: "Why do I feel that I have been deceived by that kid in the night thrill" Why do I feel like there's something wrong No, go and get the children back. "

"Oh, pops, please stop messing around." Yamamori hurriedly advised, "the young master was right in what he said just now. He cares more about the children than you do. He can't really let the Leng family take the children. Don't worry."

"but he drives so fast that I feel haunted." The old man Ye was uneasy. "that son of a bitch is bad now. He used to be hard on me when he had something, but now he has learned to cajole me. Look at what he said today. He couldn't even say it to death before."

"this is a good thing, this is mature." Yesen appeased, "the young master is so big that he is calling the wind and rain in the business world, so you have to believe him!"


"you mustn't get into trouble again." Yamamori was anxious. "think about it, why did the Leng family snatch Dr. Hua away" Isn't it because Miss Leng was angry in our family before

at that time, you asked Miss Leng to be held down for Ling Yun, which was a great insult to her. Now Miss Leng doesn't want to visit our night house, but she misses the child, so she thinks of it.

in my opinion, as long as you don't interfere, the young master will sooner or later be able to coax Miss Leng, and maybe let her go home at night, and the family will be reunited and everyone will be happy. "

"you are dreaming." The old man Ye said angrily, "even if they both want to, do you think Lengdi Feng will give up" The feud between the two families on a cold night is not so easy to solve. "

"right, too."

"I'm still worried. Send someone up to have a look." The old man of the night ordered, "Don't disturb, just stare at the night thunder and see if he sent the children to the north of the mountain and left, or did he just stay"

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."


the black Rolls-Royce Phantom is heading north of the mountain.

the children are happily looking forward to the life of a family of seven together. Ye Zhen Ting looked at them gently, a touch in his heart.

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he was just trying to coax the Don and blurted out some reasons. now, when I think about it, it would be nice to live in the past.

can not only look at the children, but also get close to Leng Qianxue.

when I think of this, the lips of the night thunder are hooked up.

"Night King, there is a car following us." The night army reported, "it seems to be the Don's man."

"do you want to lose them" Ah Hai asked.

"No." Night Thunder said faintly, "just pretend you don't know and drive your car."

"Yes." Hai, keep driving.

"go faster."

Night Throne looked at his watch and was in a hurry, but time was still in a hurry.

"Yes." A Hai speeds up the car.

Night Thunder was ready to talk to the children when his cell phone rang. He made a gesture to the children and then answered the phone: "Hello!"

"did you get it"

Leng Qianxue waited anxiously at home, but pretended to be arrogant when she called.

"what's the hurry it's not time yet." Night Thunder deliberately teased her.

"it's seven o'clock in five minutes. My men have all the weapons ready, and if you don't send them over, I'll rob the pops right now. "

said, Leng Qianxue fired a shot at the branch not far away.

there was a loud bang, and then the branch fell, scaring away a lot of birds.


the night thrill is speechless. This woman is really hot-tempered now.

"four minutes left!" Leng Qianxue had lost patience and said directly, "prepare the car and be sure to go!"


"We're almost there." Night Thunder hurriedly said, "it's halfway up the mountain!"

"Don't lie to me!" Leng Qianxue left this sentence, hung up the phone directly, and said, "go and see if they have arrived yet!"

"Yes!"ut you didn't tell me until you cheated her away. "Night Throne is very angry, "and you deliberately let your daughter show up to create an affair, right""that doesn't matter." The man on the other en...