chapter 657

i. I want to use this piece of land as a water park. Since it was given by Su Xi, I will name the park after Su Xi. Is it okay with Brother Ku""that's not good!" Su-hee had an accident.Qiao Bolin's id...Chapter 657

Xu Yiyi is very excited. Yes, maybe Ling Jiuze likes her. Su Xi only says that because he works as a tutor in the Ling family, he gets the moon first.

Ling Jiuze managed so many people, but left her alone, maybe she really didn't want to leave her!


while Gu Yunshu was changing in her dressing room, Su Xi came to help her choose clothes and jewelry for the play.

Gu Yunshu asked his assistant to go out, poured fruit juice to Su Xi himself, and asked with concern, "is the wound on your hand all right" If you don't feel well, I can ask for leave for you and Director Zhou. "

"Thank you, it's all right!" Su Xi bowed his head and replied in a low voice.

Gu Yunshu's face showed a trace of anger. "when I talked to Xu Yiyi at noon today, she actually showed off to me, saying that Kuzawa punished everyone, but she didn't do anything to her. It sounds really infuriating!"

Su Xi's face was warm and pale. "maybe it really has nothing to do with her!"

"nothing" Gu Yunshu smiled disdainfully. "Why did Chang Siyuan hijack you" Not to make her happy! I don't know why Hisawa let her go It's really unfair for her to be so smug or even gloat! "

Su Xi said, "there is nothing unfair. Everyone is an adult. Whoever does what he or she does will be responsible for it!"

seeing that Su Xi was unmoved, Gu Yunshu chuckled, "you're right, too!" I just saw that Xu Yiyi was so smug that he thought Jiuze was different to her, which was ridiculous. "

Su Xi has taken out her clothes and jewelry and looked up at Gu Yunshu lightly. "will she show off in front of you" That's really funny! "

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Gu Yunshu was stupefied, and the mockery at the corners of his mouth froze.

Su Xi stopped looking at her and turned away.

Gu Yunshu's face sank and she couldn't help laughing. Su Xi, sure enough, was different from Xu Yiyi's douche bag. It was good, and she didn't like the weak opponent either!

it began to rain again in the evening, and Ling Jiuze drove to pick up Su Xi.

the two discussed in the car that they would wait for Sister Hua to have dinner.

Su Xi said with a smile, "the weather is bad. Qingning should not work overtime. Ask her to come out together."

while holding her cell phone, she said, "Why haven't you seen Jiang Daxiao recently"

Jiang Chen often came to Qingning for dinner before, but he doesn't seem to have been here for some time recently.

"Jiang Chen has been very purposeful recently." Ling Jiuze's thin lips smiled and said that Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm" Su Xi was puzzled.

"it's just a little abnormal. I don't have a new girlfriend, and I seldom go to nightclubs except for social activities." Ling Jiuze explained.

"that's kind of strange!" Su Xi said, the phone has been connected, she turned her head, "Qingning, are you off duty" Let's go out for dinner tonight. "

Qingning seems to be on the road, listening to a very noisy voice, "I just got off work, my mother called me, I want to go over."

"then go ahead and be careful!"

"well, you too. Bye!"

Su Xi hung up the phone and turned around and said, "Qingning has something to do. Let's go!"

Ling Jiuze's side face Junmei reached out and took Su Xi's hand and started the car.ocating in his heart. Did she delete the picture to make a clean break with the pastthink about how Su Xi treated him like a stranger in a bar and didn't even look at him!you will be free and easy onl...