Chapter 954: Chapter 954

hey wouldn't even do it if they gave us money. My friend said that maybe Hai Tong's dead girl found some backing, and that backing was so strong that those mediators dared not take it."Hai Chih-wen th...Chapter 954

Hai Tong didn't know which car belonged to Hai Zhiqin, but he took the initiative to confess. Hai Tong recognized Hai Zhiwen's car. After all, among the brothers and sisters, Hai Zhiwen's car was the best.

she walked over, picked up a knife and punctured the four tires of Hai Zhiwen's car.

the tire was punctured and leaked, and soon all four tires were flattened.

"it's over, it's over!"

Hai Zhiqin looked at the four flat tires and looked frightened. "I don't have that much money to help the second elder brother change a new tire, Haitong!"

he shouted, "you have to lose money!"

Haitong looked at him coldly.

came over while playing with a knife.

Hai Zhiqin's shouting became muted.

stood in front of him, and Haitong patted his face with a knife.

Hai Zhiqin was so frightened that he dared not come out with fear in his eyes.

he was afraid that the Dead Sea would cut him twice in the face, which would be a disgrace.

he hasn't married yet.

"whose idea was it"

"what. What's the idea "

"whose idea was it to follow me, take pictures of me, and puncture my tires" What is the purpose "

sell her photo to Yuanji for money

Haitong thinks it won't be that simple.

"I, I just want to get back at you and do this for no other purpose."

Hai Zhiqin dared not say that their cousins were indeed plotting.

everyone thinks that their present situation is caused by Haitong and his wife.

entangled several times, but did not get the money. Grandpa scolded his third uncle, who had been dead for many years, for giving birth to two unfilial daughters, and when he was rich and powerful, he did not know how to help his mother's family. On the contrary, he cleaned up his mother's brother, causing his mother's brother to lose his job.

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also scolded Hai Tong for turning into a Phoenix on the branch and refused to pull his cousins so that they could marry into a wealthy family. He also said that whenever a granddaughter marries into a war family, he Hai can become the in-law master of the war family and a guest of the war family.

think about it, they all feel dignified and proud.

then his second elder brother came up with a poison trick, saying that his third elder sister, that is, the second elder brother's own sister, is about the same age as Haitong, and the third elder sister is like the second uncle. It is said that the second uncle and the third uncle are more or less alike, and Haitong is mostly like his father.

therefore, third Sister and Haitong are also three-thirds similar.

Hai Zhiwen proposed to let his own sister have a whole look like Hai Tong, and then kidnap Hai Tong and send him to the deep mountains and forests, so that Hai Tong can not come back, so that Hai Zhiwen's own sister can replace Hai Tong to become the big wife of the war family.

when she became the big young lady of the war family, Hai Chih-wen felt that her own sister would definitely turn to her mother's family.

his plan is approved by everyone.

Hai Zhiqin looked at Hai Tong and thought to himself that the second elder brother had overlooked one thing. Although the third elder sister was two or three similar to Hai Tong, even if she had plastic surgery according to the appearance of Hai Tong and then learned the style of Hai Tong, Hai Tong knew how to punch and kick. His third sister was spoiled, not to mention fist kung fu, even it was difficult to carry a bucket of water.

can the second elder brother's plan really be implemented

his third sister has gone to have plastic surgery. Can she really look like Hai Tong Hai Zhiqin hasn't seen the third sister after plastic surgery. I don't know yet.g you. You also say that there is only brother and sister between you. I am not jealous or messing with you. You probably don't know that he misses you a long time ago."Zhan Yin poked Haitong's forehe...