chapter 862

you want to put these chickens in the orchard"Hai Ling looked at her sister and said suspiciously, "for no reason, how did you think of raising chickens"Haitong: ". When you buy it back, you have to f...Chapter 862

Ye Jiani says those words, she also knows that she is not straight and angry, she is simply talking nonsense.

she's just angry.

Zhou Honglin used to say that he lost his appetite when he went home and saw the fat all over Hailing.

after the divorce, Zhou Honglin came to Hai Ling again and again, and Hai Ling has been losing weight all the time. Compared with the divorce, Hai Ling lost dozens of jin in just two months. Now Hai Ling is naturally a big fat woman for models.

but to the average person, she has just put on weight and become fuller.

Ye Jiani thinks that Zhou Honglin will come to Hai Ling because Hai Ling is thinner and much prettier than she was when she divorced.

Hailing came over.

when Ye Jiani saw her, she stared at Hai Ling fiercely and shouted, "Hai Ling, I am not afraid that you have a rich aunt, and I am not afraid that your brother-in-law is a young master of war. If you dare to seduce my husband, I will still tear you up."

Hai Ling thought it was hilarious and said, "Miss Ye, you have a shadow after robbing someone else's husband. without sense of security, do you always think that someone will take your husband away from you"

"maybe someone like you and me will fall in love with Zhou Honglin and take up the position of a mistress like you, but that person will definitely not be me. I am a person with a penchant for emotional cleanliness. After the man I have used has been picked up and used by others, I will feel dirty and will not want it again." Speaking of

, I really want to thank Miss Ye for picking up Zhou Honglin so that I can get a smooth divorce and get the property I want. In order to repay Miss Ye, I assure you that even if Zhou Honglin later regrets and wants to remarry me, I will never give him a chance. "

Ye Jiani said angrily, "Hong Lin won't regret it. He doesn't know how much he loves me."

"since he loves you so much, what are you afraid of"

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Hailing asked Ye Jiani speechless.

Zhou Honglin loved her, but after she lived with him and became husband and wife, she gradually realized that marriage is not really a matter for two people, but a matter for two unrelated families.

Zhou Honglin will learn to cook for her. When her mother-in-law scolds her, he will also speak for her and stand on her side, but sometimes he will still speak for his mother.

can't spoil her completely, nor is he as obedient to her as he was when he was secretly in love.

at that time, the gifts he gave her were very valuable, and the cheapest pair of earrings cost thousands of yuan.

now the gift to her is usually a bouquet of flowers, and the wedding ring is a gold ring, which weighs only ten grams and only a few thousand yuan, which is absolutely impossible to compare with when she is in love. Does

feel less precious when you get it

"Why did Hong Lin come to you just now What did you do hiding in the building "

Ye Jiani's question let Hai Ling know that she must have followed Zhou Honglin.

how happy did she think this pair of scum men and women could live before they got a license to become husband and wife both of them have lost their trust.

"Zhou Honglin just came to see Yangyang and told me something. Miss Ye should also know that you are his secretary. No one he has ever met can hide it from you."

"that's it"

Ye Jiani actually guessed that the main reason why Zhou Honglin came to see Hai Ling was that she was unhappy and did not like the fact that the two divorced and often saw each other.

Hai Ling blocked Zhou Honglin's phone, but her mother-in-law secretly followed Hai Ling, thus knowing where Hai Ling lived, and then Zhou Honglin also knew that blocking the phone had no effect on Zhou Honglin at all. instead of calling, he came directly to Hai Ling, which made Ye Jiani even more angry. Wang Wang."Haitong can't thank you enough.her best friend is really this life, she is really lucky to have a best friend like Shen Xiaojun."the day has been chosen, and it will open for bu...