chapter 808

time."Boss Lu, Miss Yu."Hai Ling saw two people coming in and hurriedly got up.Lu Dongming first put down the fruit basket, then handed the bouquet to Hai Ling, looked at her gently and said, "Hai Lin...Chapter 808

"Miss Hai, no matter why Zhan Yin conceals his identity, his feelings for you are true, and it is true that he loves you, and there is no need to question him."

Haitong smiled, smiling but her eyes were wet.

she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, then got up and said to Su Nan, "Thank you for solving the doubt. I'll go first."

has been confirmed and she doesn't want to stay here.

Su Nan didn't ask her to stay, but got up and walked with her and said, "Miss Hai, I know you are in shock and angry, and Zhan Yin is really bad, but he is really excusable. When you calm down, you have to give him a chance to explain. Anyway, you are husband and wife!"

Hai Tong didn't say anything, her face was frighteningly gloomy.

Su Nan personally escorted Hai Tong downstairs and accompanied her out of the office building. Sunan went to drive a car.


Zhan Yichen is waiting on the side of the door of the office building.

he received a call from his eldest brother for help, asking him to keep his sister-in-law. He is on his way back.

when Zhan Yichen saw his sister-in-law's Lei Gong face, he was under great pressure, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who told him to be in the company the eldest brother rushed back, but he was still on the road, and distant water could not put out the near fire, so he, as a younger brother, came forward to keep his sister-in-law.

the eldest brother is afraid of death. After his sister-in-law left the company, she left him, so that he could not find it back.

Haitong now sees that Zhan's family is full of anger and doesn't want to talk to them.

she left as soon as she passed Zhan Yi Chen.

Zhan Yichen wanted to reach for her and remember the relationship between his uncle and sister-in-law, so he dared not pull her, so he walked quickly in front of Hai Tong, opened his arms against Hai Tong, and said, "Sister, don't go yet. My brother is on his way back. He will be here soon."

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Haitong looked at him coldly.

for a moment, Zhan Yichen felt that his sister-in-law's cold eyes looked like the eldest brother's.

this is a husband and wife for a long time, sister-in-law was infected by the elder brother

"Zhan Yichen, no, Zhan er, please get out of the way!"

listening to Haitong's address to himself, Zhan Yichen smiled bitterly: "Sister-in-law, don't do this. I'm sorry, it's our fault."

he also participated in deceiving his sister-in-law.

not only he, but also his family cheated on his sister-in-law.

No wonder her sister-in-law was so angry when she learned the truth.

his eyes were cold and his face was as black as Lei Gong's.

"second Master Zhan, I said get out of the way. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Zhan Yichen won't give way.

he shoulders the heavy responsibility of keeping his sister-in-law.

the sister-in-law at the moment is very terrible, but the eldest brother will not see the sister-in-law, it will become even more terrible, by comparison, Zhan Yichen still chose to offend his sister-in-law.

the next moment, Haitong swung it with one fist.

Zhan Yichen also knows how to fight.

he dodged quickly and avoided Haitong's attack.

Haitong ran when he dodged, but Zhan Yichen stopped her again, and she did it again.

Uncle and sister-in-law fight each other at the gate of the office building.

those who saw it only dared to watch, but did not dare to come forward to help.

Sunan, who was going to pick up Shen Xiaojun and was going to pick up Shen Xiaojun, knew that his uncle and sister-in-law were hand in hand, stopped the car and trotted over to stop it.

Hai Tong's kung fu is more than enough to deal with ordinary gangsters, but it is not good to deal with Sunan and Zhan Yichen. No matter how crazy she is, those two men are like a shadow to stop her from leaving.e old doctor will come quickly and become a grandpa, so they can get away with is also strange that when Jun Fei is handed over to the old doctor, he is very obedient and won't cry much.the old...