chapter 628

| | []) .ush ({});"what's so good about it Zhou Honglin is just a man I don't want. If I compare him to a pair of shoes, he is also a pair of rotten shoes. I threw them away, and she picked them up an...Chapter 628


Sunan said with a headache, "what's the matter with you two" Obviously, when the relationship heats up, Xiuen love can kill the dog, and in the twinkling of an eye, she quarreled again. No wonder her wife went to the bar because of you. "

Zhan Yin said: "first, please find out which bar they are now, how long they have been there, and whether they have been drunk or not." Let me know when you find out. "

"OK, I'll look into it right away."

Sunan quickly hung up the phone and asked someone to find out where the two girls had been drinking.

while waiting for an answer, Zhan Yin contacted the crew of his private plane and said, "get ready for your return trip immediately. I will return to Dongguan City in more than ten minutes."

when he was on a business trip, he wouldn't let Haitong take him to the airport. First, he had to go back to the company first, and second, he didn't actually book a flight because he was traveling on a private jet.

the crew members, who were informed by Zhan Yin, hurriedly began to make preparations.

after Zhan Yin arranged everything, she began to call Haitong.

Haitong is having a good drink with Shen Xiaojun and Shen Xiaodi in the bar at the moment.

Shen Xiaobi can't drink, so he sits with him and watches his two sisters drink one drink after another.

especially Sister Haitong, drinking is like drinking water.

he couldn't help advising: "Sister Haitong, don't drink so much. Your face is as red as Guan Gong. You can't drink very well, will you get drunk"

Hai Tong said with a smile, "as soon as I get drunk, I just want to get so drunk tonight that no one can remember Lien Chan-yin."

younger brother Shen looks at his own sister.

Shen Xiaojun patted her brother on the shoulder and said, "Sister Haitong is in a bad mood. I will give my life to accompany a gentleman tonight. All you have to do is watch, don't persuade her, let her have a good drink, get drunk, and wake up tomorrow with a headache and eye pain. That's all her business. Who told her to drink to drown her sorrows"

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Shen Xiaodi:.

Hai Tong hooked on the shoulder of his friend, "or Xiaojun understands me. If you are drunk today, you will worry about tomorrow."

she doesn't think about what happens when she gets drunk.

she's just upset.

during the day, pretend to be good.

at the moment, in the bar, watching so many people go crazy, she couldn't restrain the boredom at the bottom of her heart.


Haitong's cell phone rang.

"maybe it's my sister."

Hai Tong hurriedly motioned to Shen Xiaojun's sister and brother to be quiet. she took out her cell phone and saw that the caller was Zhan Yin. She frowned, handed the phone to Shen Xiaojun, made a wine hiccup, and asked her friend, "Xiaojun, look at that cheapskate calling me."

"when I called him, he didn't answer my phone, sent him a message, and he didn't return my message. Do you think I should take his call"

although Shen Xiaojun has had two drinks, she is still very clear-headed. "make your own decision, answer it if you want to answer it, hang up if you don't want to answer it, I won't make a decision for you," she said.

if Zhan Yin knows, blame it on her, she can't explain it all over her body.

"Don't answer, give him a taste of being refused to answer the phone."

Haitong immediately cut off Zhan Yin's phone call.

however, Zhan Yin soon called again.

she hangs up again.

Zhan Yin called again, and she hung up again.

after repeated several times, Zhan Yin's handsome face is as black as charcoal.and when they come back here, they will always remember the scene when their parents were still alive.this is the place where the two sisters recall, and it is also the place where they try their best...