Chapter 2169

or so many years, we have not extended a helping hand to my sisters. Now there is no way to teach me a lesson from my elders!"what she said was explained to the onlookers, so as not to spoil her beaut...Chapter 2169

she cut her finger and dripped a few drops of blood. The wound was not deep and her family would not find it.

from the point of view of her family's indifference to her, even if she made a few cuts in her wrist, her family would not find it.

Mrs. Shang said gently, "Miss Feng doesn't have to be in such a hurry. When she comes, she's a guest. Stay for dinner."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shang. I'd better not eat. I have to get back. I have to be home by ten o'clock in the evening."

after silence, Mrs. Shang said, "in that case, I won't keep you either."

she told the housekeeper to fetch a fruit knife, beckoned the housekeeper to hand it to Fengqing, and gave Fengqing a disposable cup.

Fengqing picked up a fruit knife, picked up the knife, and cut a finger. When the blood came out, she immediately caught it with a disposable cup. After dripping several drops of blood, she pressed her hand on the wound.

watching her do all this without the slightest hesitation, Mrs. Shang knew that the girl was a ruthless person.

fortunately, at present, Fengqing seems to be the person with the most positive values in the Feng family, otherwise it would be a headache to have such an enemy.

Hai Ling went to get a hemostatic paste, tore open a piece of wrapping paper, and then put a hemostatic paste on Fengqing's wound.

"Thank you, Miss Hai."

"you're welcome."

Fengqing put the cup of her own blood in front of the merchant's wife and said to the merchant's wife, "Mrs. Shang, if you make an appraisal, should this blood be enough"

"that's enough."

Mrs. Shang asked Hai Ling to bring plastic wrap and seal the mouth of the cup tightly. She later went to the hospital with Fengqing's blood to do a consanguinity test.

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"Thank you, Miss Feng."

Mrs. Shang thanked her politely.

Fengqing smiled. "I should have thanked Mrs. Shang and thanked Mrs. Shang for trusting me." Mrs. Shang, I'm running out of time, so I won't disturb you for dinner. I'll go first and invite Mrs. Shang to dinner later if I have a chance. "

"Hai Ling, please see Miss Feng off for me."

Fengqing ran out of time and left in a hurry. Mrs. Shang didn't ask her to stay and asked Hai Ling to see Fengqing out.

Hai Ling gave a sigh and got up to see him off.

Fengqing put on her sunglasses and black mask again and followed Hailing out.

"how can Miss Feng get back"

Hai Ling asked as he walked.

"I booked my flight in advance. I'm on my way to the airport. I can get home around ten o'clock in the evening."

Fengqing has calculated the time.

it was because time was too tight that she was in a hurry to go home.

"I also have an appointment for ride-hailing, and now the ride-hailing driver is waiting for me at the gate of the villa."

Hai Ling said, "it's a little far from here to the gate of the villa. Let me give Miss Feng a ride."

Fengqing is also impolite, "excuse me."

Hai Ling turned back into the house, took her car keys and drove Fengqing to the door of the villa.

before Fengqing got out of the car, Fengqing held out her right hand to shake hands with Hai Ling. She said, "Miss Hai, please take care of me in the future."

Hailing shook hands with her.


Fengqing waved, said goodbye and got out of the car.

Hai Ling watched her get into a ride-hailing car and drove away, so she drove back.he car, you are not tired, the child is tired, you see your son wants to sleep. When will it take you to walk home slowly "Hai Ling still wanted to refuse. God seemed to want her to get into Lu Dongmi...