Chapter 1447

ides a battery bike.Haitong drove to her sister and stopped, pressed the window and called, "Sister."Hai Ling was stupefied, then smiled and said, "I thought you came here on a battery bike."she knew...Chapter 1447

"er Shao, I'm sorry."

Ning Yunchu declined politely.

Zhan Yichen took the flower pot from her hand, then pulled her back to the cashier and sat down and said, "Ning Yunchu, you sit down and I'll tell you something."

"what is it"

Zhan Yichen saw that the two clerks were not there. They sent flowers to the guests. In fact, Zhan Yichen called and asked people to order two bouquets of flowers, which made the two clerks spread out.

when spring blossoms, the business of the two aunts of the Ning family plummets.

"you always wanted to know why I approached you and helped you, didn't you"

Ning Yun faced him for the first time and did not speak.

she really wanted to know. If he didn't tell me, she couldn't ask, and she couldn't figure it out.

when he first appeared in her flower shop, she dared to say that it was the first time they had met.

"years later, my grandmother sent me two photos, one for me, one for the third member of our family, and the one given to me is your picture."

Ning Yun was amazed.

when does the old lady have a picture of her

also gave her photo to Zhan Yichen. What does that mean

Ning Yun painstakingly recalled the past, but still couldn't remember when she had seen the old lady Zhan.

she is only the little transparency of the Ningjia family, but the old lady Zhan is the old Buddha of the warriors. She not only has the highest status in the warriors, but also is deeply liked by everyone in Dongguan City. She is a very popular old lady.

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Ning Yunchu has nothing to do with the old lady.

Zhan Yichen said that and then stopped talking.

after waiting for a moment, Ning Yun couldn't help asking, "Erxiao, where did the old lady get my picture and gave it to you what do you mean"

he kept her curiosity high for a long time by keeping one sentence at a time.

this man is very kind to her, but sometimes very bad.


"I can't guess."

Ning Yunchu said honestly, "I still hope two less people can solve the problem."

Zhan Yi Chen reached out and took off the black sunglasses she was wearing and said, "your face is not big, and you are wearing such big sunglasses that you are going to cover your face. How beautiful you are when you take off your sunglasses."

"Yunchu, call me Yi Chen from now on."

Ning Yunchu groped to get her sunglasses back from him. She was used to wearing sunglasses.

Zhan Yi Chen avoided her hand and gently put the sunglasses in the most corner of the cashier, so that she could not touch them.

he also stretched out his hands, and as she groped, she touched his hands.

as soon as Ning Yunchu touched his hand, he quickly withdrew it.

"Yunchu, when you touch me, I feel crisp and itchy."

"Master Zhan, I accidentally touched your hand!"

he spoke more and more ambiguously.

Ning Yun is not stupid at first, she just doesn't want to face it. parents are both dead, has been dependent on her sister for more than ten years. Who doesn't know" Oh, I see. Is that little doll the nephew of the president's wife I heard that her sister lived with...