Chapter 129

that Yangyang was rescued for a long time when he was sent to the hospital. The doctors were all scolding the abusers for being cruel and cruel. I also saw how Yangyang was hurt.""We just got out of...Chapter 129

Haitong: ". You are the same size in the company, and your chances of meeting your boss are so slim. Your boss is real. Well, it's high above, and mysterious. "

there is no photo of the war master on the Internet at all.

Young Master Zhan is accompanied by bodyguards in and out. At the last banquet, there were too many bodyguards, and the bodyguards were so tall that she and her friends did not see what the young master Zhan looked like on tiptoe.

thinking of Zhan Yin working in the Zhan Group and being a white-collar worker, he seldom saw the young master Zhan, and Haitong was psychologically balanced again.

Zhan Yin doesn't answer.

he doesn't care what others think of him. He always behaves according to his own wishes.

talking about the young master Zhan as a topic, the couple chatted and went back to their building.

Zhan Yin's bodyguards wandered around the neighborhood. Although they did not follow the young master and the young lady, they followed the couple wherever they went, and did not let the young couple out of their sight.

of course, Haitong didn't know she was being watched the whole time.

she inadvertently turned her head and saw a bodyguard wandering not far away. Feeling familiar, she stopped and said to Zhan Yin, "that man looks very familiar."

Zhan Yin was surprised.

that bodyguard is Ah Qi.

Ah Qi was surprised to see that both the young master and the young lady were looking at him, and soon he came over as if nothing had happened.

"are you the surrogate driver that night"

Haitong remembers.

this familiar man is the substitute driver who sent Zhan Yin home after Zhan Yin was drunk.

A Qi: "it's me."

the young lady has a good eye and a good memory.

"do you live here, too"

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"well, but I rent, usually drive a ride, and occasionally help people drive."

Hai Tong gave a sound.

although she remembered the surrogate driver, she was not familiar with it, that is, she met him and said hello, but she didn't take the matter to heart.

Zhan Yin glanced at A Qi Yi.

Ah Qi understood the meaning of the young master's glance.

later, when the young master appeared in public, he had to be invisible as a bodyguard, so as not to be seen by the young lady and indirectly exposed the identity of the young master. He could not eat and walk around.

back home, Haitong habitually sat on the swing chair on the balcony, while Zhan Yin went back to his room.

No more words all night.

the next day, as soon as Haitong made breakfast, Zhanyin was about to go out.

"Mr. Zhan, you haven't had breakfast yet."

Zhan Yin pulled his tie, and Haitong noticed that the tie he was wearing today was given to him by her yesterday.

thought he would hate to wear it, but he didn't expect to wear it today.

"I have an early meeting today. I can't be late. I'm afraid of traffic jams. I have to go out early. I won't have breakfast at home. I'll order a takeout to deliver it."

"I'm all done. If you don't eat, I can't finish it alone. Don't order takeout. I'll pack it for you and take it back to the company."

Zhan Yin hesitated a little, but she was reluctant to refuse her kindness after all. Well, her daily breakfast was very much to his taste.

Hai Tong brought a warm lunch box, filled Zhan Yin with a bowl of Rice Congee and some side dishes, then put four steamed buns, one boiled egg, covered the lunch box, handed it to Zhan Yin, and said, "eat quickly when you get to the company, and don't do anything hungry."

"good."t of the house.was surprised to see Hai Tong and instinctively shouted, "Big young lady."Haitong said coldly, "Don't call me big and young granny. I'm not your big young lady. I can't stand up to your...