iously!" The beautiful eyes of Hua Yue Yun conveyed a hint of pleading.Hua Yue Yun left. Shen Luzong stared at Shen Xiang in a strange way and asked softly, "Boy, she's the house owner of Duanxiang Ta...Chapter 2713: Can Fly Now
Cheung and Feng Ruxue agreed to meet, and Cheung immediately went to the Ruxue Pavilion for a secretive rendezvous with Feng Ruxue.
"Like snow, I can now fly. Thanks to your help, thank you!" When Shen Xiang saw Feng Ruxue, he immediately expressed his gratitude.
"It's just a minor issue for enrollment... but the situation between you and I is not favorable, it would be extremely inconvenient for me."
Feng如雪 was deeply concerned. If she couldn't change her current ability to感應 with Shen Xiang, she didn't know how she would live in the future.
Now, both she and Shen Xiang need to be extremely careful with their thoughts, otherwise they might accidentally reveal them to each other. Thinking about how she would have to continue living like this, Feng Ruxue felt very distressed.
"Don't worry, I thought of the solution on my way here," Shen Xiang said. However, he realized the problem during his journey.
Feng如雪 suddenly brightened up and asked urgently, "Really Then can we solve this issue now"兒可以把他們帶出去。“巫蒼這傢夥死了也好,他可殺過我不少次!”月兒哼了一聲。沈翔看到月兒恢複記憶後竟然冇有受到多大的影響,十分佩服她的心境。畢竟她這些年來遭遇可以說非常痛苦。“小貓大人,什麼時候可以把我們送出去?我可急著看看外麵的世界,我已經在這裡關了很久了。”陽天毅一臉渴望地說道。“還要一點時間!”月兒倒是不急:“陽天毅,你現在有多少骨格了?能打得過那頭蠢牛嗎?這傢夥當初趁我重傷的時候來偷襲我,...