to obtain a complete one.So far, he has only obtained one divine ability, Daily Examination.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!Nine Turns Substitution is a talent bestow...The Heavenly Sound Sect of the Demon Gate.

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Below the Cliff of Broken Love.

The river flowed gently through the forest, its surface clear and calm, shimmering in the sunlight.

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A dull sound came from the shore, originating from a small wooden house.

The wooden house is two stories high, with a fence around it.

Some herbs grew in the fence, their faint medicinal fragrance wafting through the air.

The second floor.

Jiang Hao was thrown aside and hit the wall. A stunning woman in a thin veil appeared beside him instantly, her long sword pressed against his neck. The blade cut through his skin, and bright red blood slowly oozed out.

At this moment, Jiang Hao felt that death was only one step away from him.

Unforeseen disasters.

Last night, after he finished pruning the spiritual herbs, he planned to cultivate, but suddenly a woman with flushed complexion and chaotic qi and blood descended from the sky.

This woman had a graceful figure and stunning beauty, but her mind seemed somewhat unclear.


It should be poisoning or cultivation going into fire and demon.

He had no desire to help, but the other party's cultivation was unfathomable. They forcibly controlled him and brought him to the second floor, where they perpetrated violence against him.

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This was my first time experiencing this, the sensations were nice, but it's a pity that I was in a passive state.

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The other party's beauty is flawless, perfect. If it weren't for the killing intent in their awakened eyes, it would be even more perfect.

Early in the morning, the other party regained consciousness and attacked him with his sword.

That's how things are now.

Now Jiang Hao could see shame in her cold eyes, she must remember what happened last night.

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Seeing this, he let out a long sigh of relief. His qi, blood, cultivation, and magical powers were all the result of years of accumulated effort.

Growing spirit herbs, clearing out demon beasts, and just wandering around can all yield bubbles. Harvest these things.

Not only qi and blood, as well as cultivation level, but also some magic treasures and cultivation aid items.

It's not easy to accumulate both blood energy and cultivation level to a hundred. It took him several years to accumulate it to a hundred for the second time.

First, he strengthened his body and raised his cultivation level from the third to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Luckily, it's digested a little bit, otherwise it would be too obvious.

That's why he became an inner disciple from an outer disciple.


At Duantian Cliff, guarding the spirit medicine garden.

It's much more convenient to travel as a member of the sect. Here, it's better to cultivate and improve one's cultivation level quickly, rather than pretending to be ordinary.

The Gate of Demons...

A slight misstep could lead to being killed by a fellow disciple for some trivial reason.

Even innocence is lost.

Last night was the most powerful proof.

Divine abilities differ from blood qi cultivation. Blood qi cultivation only requires reaching level ten to begin practicing, while divine abilities require three fragments to obtain a complete one.

So far, he has only obtained one divine ability, Daily Examination.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Nine Turns Substitution is a talent bestowed with divine power.

For a moment.

He returned to the room, staring at the crimson stain on the sheets, sighed heavily, and decided to change the bedding.

Perhaps my survival has something to do with these bloodstains.

"I don't know who she is. I hope she isn't from the Heavenly Sound Sect."

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"Otherwise, she won't let it go and will come to kill me, that wouldn't be good."

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

To be played and then killed, the one who suffers in the end is always oneself.

He was ashamed that he hadn't been able to protect himself.

Having tidied up his bedding, Jiang Hao left his residence and headed to the Spirit Herb Garden to tend to the Broken Heart Grass.

Tonight back, impact foundation building.

When Qi and Blood cultivation reaches one hundred, the conversion rate is different from that of the tenth level.

“I still need to find some time to go to the library and see what kind of medicine that woman gave me.”

On the road, Jiang Hao pondered his next move.

"This woman's appearance is a bit off, we should be more vigilant recently."

Tian Yin Zong is a first-rate sect.

Though it's unlikely that they would be attacked by prominent righteous sects,

it's still necessary to prepare for such a possibility.


>ht misstep could lead to being killed by a fellow disciple for some trivial reason.Even innocence is lost.Last night was the most powerful proof.Divine abilities differ from blood qi cultivation. Bloo...